Hi, all. Having some odd trouble. I'm making a tonerow abstraction for myself, and have run into an issue. For some reason, the data just won't go into the array. I have a feeling the reason is staring right at my face, and it's something stupid I'm ignoring. Can anyone see what's going on?
I realise you've probably solved this, but here's a patch explaining how to do this as clear as I could make it. But remember, in PD, there's always a better, more graceful way to something
Wow, that's actually really clever! I'm not gonna be using MIDI, but the work-around is so simple and graceful, just like PD should be. I'll buy you a coke we ever end up in the same building.
Is there any way you can see to implement the array using this ADSR?
Man, never knew that existed! I'm learning all sorts today, just found [envgen] which made me wonder if what I wanted is possible.
Scope won't really cut it though, unfortunately. Looks like it'll only show the data as it passes through, more like an oscilloscope.
Howdy, y'all! Another day, another question.
I have an ADSR using [vline~], and want to view the envelope in an array, a la Browser > PdDrums > drumcenter. Is this possible? I can't seem to get it going at all. I'd preferably like the array to update live, which I figure I can do by sending a bang from the [vline~]s message box into the array in lieu of a [metro].
I am completely lost. I'm reading over the stuff I can find for Windows, and I can't make heads nor tails of it. As far as I can tell, I need to make PD communicate with something, which then communicates with STK, and back. Makes sense, like connecting PD to Live using MIDIYoke. Only, I have no idea how to even make STK run! I'm so over my head it's unreal. Could any one lend a hand? I'm running Windows 7, PD Extended 0.42.5.
Oops, thanks for letting me know! All the YouTube changes, I never know what's happening.
The patches are a total mess, looking at them again. Thanks for the input! For snares and hats, I like to leave out the [0.25(, I feel it gives it a small amount of what I guess you could call humanisation.
@LandonPD , @gsagostinho and I were talking about this a while back in another thread, and you deliver like a boss. Can't wait to play with this tomorrow. You, sir, are a legend.
@gsagostinho said:
Hi @What, thanks for sharing your experiences here. As for:
PD, to me, is the absolute ultimate. The price, the functionality, the crowd, I love it. Literally the only thing I would change is the connection system.
We can only hope... it's a pity Pd-l2Ork broke the binary compatibility with regular Pd because looks and feels utterly fantastic!
Take care,
G.Yeah, that's a massive bummer. One of these days I'm gonna learn programming purely to "Fix" the connection "Problem."
@gsagostinho Turns out both Obi AND Brinkmann have save / load systems.
Obiwannabe's Six Simple Synths and Martin Brinkmann's fmdrone 1. Brinkmann's patches are always a huge mess to look at, though. I always wondered how he manages!
@gsagostinho said:
@mod I don't understand you, what is wrong with using a message containing several sends, such as [; myReverb 1.0; delayFeedback 0.8;, delayTime 250; structureB bang; soundPlayerA 0( which can be banged by an [loadbang]? Doesn't that initiate or change the state of almost everything in a patch?
Take care,
GilbertoI think setting up the savestates is a bit awkward, myself. I think it was Obi or Brinkmann that made a nice one-button-save. I dunno if it's just me, but saving data in arrays (Specifically for the cool wave shaping distortion array) doesn't seem to work. It's mostly OK, because I set up [loadbang] automatically at this point, but it would be a very handy piece of functionality.
@LiamG , which standard DAW do you use? Can I suggest using the MIDI functionality with MIDIYoke to send data from PD to another DAW? I find using PD to compose while I use something else to handle the sounds to be my preferred method of computer music.
Sound design with PD can be a never ending task. There's always the idea that you know you can make it sound better, or more interesting, so you never stop fiddling with it. That's sound design in general, really, but it destroys me with PD. Constantly adding more stuff to a patch, over and over, forever until the end of time. At a certain point, you gotta let go, though
I'm not sure how a person can unlock their creativity. I think something just clicks one day, from learning the one thing that they didn't know. For me, it was really the power of arrays and the almighty $#. When it comes to composition, a lot of PD output seems to be "Click button to make music, click again to stop music." While that's definitely an option, for me it lacks movement, like verses or something. Moving the song along like a composer is what I enjoy in PD, and using the computer like an instrument as opposed to a thing that can make sounds. So, I made an abstraction that lets me trigger everything on beat, on and off, so I can keep it dynamic.
This is already very long, but I guess what I'm trying to say is, keep trying to find whatever your "Click" is, or something? I have no idea.
Does one exist for Windows? The site leads to a blank page.
I've used all three, and PD is the only one I kept on using.
Reaktor is very powerful, and being able to use it as a plugin is great. However, I find it clunky as Hell, and very inelegant. For me, it wasn't worth the time and effort it took to get usable output. I used it at college, so I'm lucky that I didn't pay out the asshole for it. I would probably use it a lot more if I did, just out of obligation to my bank account.
Max/MSP is nice, and can be very elegant. The GUI elements are nice, and the way you can organise connections is beautiful. I've recently been playing with VVVV, which also has a beautiful connection system. My biggest problem with Max/MSP is the price, which I can't justify after paying for a more standard DAW (Ableton Live). Also, I found it was all too easy to rely on premade modules, which made me lazy, and looking at some tutorials online, it seems like it's made other new users lazy, too. That's an enduser problem, obviously, and not an issue with the program. Complaining about a good ease of use is dumb.
PD, to me, is the absolute ultimate. The price, the functionality, the crowd, I love it. Literally the only thing I would change is the connection system. Playing around with GEM, it was fun for a while, but I realised pretty quickly that what I wanted it to do, it just couldn't, not without programming externals. Not being a programmer proper, I have no idea where to begin, which is why I got into VVVV, which also has a nice crowd. PD is also incredibly elegant. You can make it do complex things with very few objects, once you know what the objects are. If you don't, this forum will have the answer. Cheeto, Obiwan, Mod, everyone else, are a great bunch completely willing to post their patches for you to have a poke about and learn from.
As far as getting started, I feel like people will get from A to C through B with PD far quicker than they will with the other two.