Hi, all. Having some odd trouble. I'm making a tonerow abstraction for myself, and have run into an issue. For some reason, the data just won't go into the array. I have a feeling the reason is staring right at my face, and it's something stupid I'm ignoring. Can anyone see what's going on?
I realise you've probably solved this, but here's a patch explaining how to do this as clear as I could make it. But remember, in PD, there's always a better, more graceful way to something
Wow, that's actually really clever! I'm not gonna be using MIDI, but the work-around is so simple and graceful, just like PD should be. I'll buy you a coke we ever end up in the same building.
Is there any way you can see to implement the array using this ADSR?
Man, never knew that existed! I'm learning all sorts today, just found [envgen] which made me wonder if what I wanted is possible.
Scope won't really cut it though, unfortunately. Looks like it'll only show the data as it passes through, more like an oscilloscope.
Howdy, y'all! Another day, another question.
I have an ADSR using [vline~], and want to view the envelope in an array, a la Browser > PdDrums > drumcenter. Is this possible? I can't seem to get it going at all. I'd preferably like the array to update live, which I figure I can do by sending a bang from the [vline~]s message box into the array in lieu of a [metro].
I am completely lost. I'm reading over the stuff I can find for Windows, and I can't make heads nor tails of it. As far as I can tell, I need to make PD communicate with something, which then communicates with STK, and back. Makes sense, like connecting PD to Live using MIDIYoke. Only, I have no idea how to even make STK run! I'm so over my head it's unreal. Could any one lend a hand? I'm running Windows 7, PD Extended 0.42.5.
Oops, thanks for letting me know! All the YouTube changes, I never know what's happening.
The patches are a total mess, looking at them again. Thanks for the input! For snares and hats, I like to leave out the [0.25(, I feel it gives it a small amount of what I guess you could call humanisation.