@hwk_cgn dang, I cant figure out how to download or open this "usg_e~.pd" it takes me here :


    and then I copy all and paste into a new PD window but its not producing a PD patch.

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  • WEIRD1

    ok, figuring this out is the next level for me but I'm going to keep reading the help files and experimenting.

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  • WEIRD1

    Is there a way to get anything close in Vanilla ? I’m trying to just use Vanilla while I’m still learning.

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  • WEIRD1

    Hey all,
    I want to make a thing and I don’t know how 🤪 I’ve ( poorly) drawn an example of what I’m trying to do. I want to be able to pass bangs ( or numbers) from inlet to outlet and have the outlets rotate on receiving a bang .


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  • WEIRD1

    awesome! thanks for this. here is an update that is still a mess but I think sounds a bit better, and also bangs the FM on open :grin: LEARNING_PD_2.pd

    also, I have a question, I like the clipping here, is there something I should place at the end of the chain that might make the square waves less harsh on a PA ? Does it matter?

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  • WEIRD1

    actually this one is better adding together.pd

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  • WEIRD1

    hello I'm just learning PD , here is a messy patch I made adding together.pd

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  • WEIRD1

    hey ! thanks @whale-av
    while the form was down ( at least where I was on the east coast) I came up with this attached patch. Check it out if you have time. I tried to place the trigger object in it but every time I do it seems like it messes up the patch ( I am guessing this is because there is something weird in the way I have it set up). Also, I am still trying to think of a way to toggle the EOC to trigger the start of the attack so that I can cause it to cycle if I choose ( and be able to turn that function on and off with a "button").
    thanks much, jjr

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  • WEIRD1

    hey all,
    thanks for all the help ! I am enjoying PD and watching lots of tutorials. I made this simple slope generator that I think should work, but it isn't .... what am I doing wrong. Also, bonus points to help me get it to output a bang EOC. But seriously, I am getting this " $2 out of range" statement in the PD window and I'm not sure what that means.

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  • WEIRD1

    hello all,
    I'm looking for a set of abstractions that recreate the modules in a serge paperface
    pannel: positive and negative slew, peak and trough, triple comparator, smooth/stepped generator, random voltage generator, etc. Does this all happen to already exist somewhere? I tried searching serge and a few other keywords but I suspect I may be using the search function ... poorly :stuck_out_tongue:
    thanks much,

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