Hello everybody:
I am having this issue since quite a while ago and I cannot find an answer.
My system is Debian Stretch, currentry using qjackctl (jack package is jackd version 5, depending on jackd2, which is installed). Since I use other apps that require this version of jack, it's not an option to change to jackd1). The symptom is that pd-gui refuses to close upon exiting. I have to send a sigterm message via htop to make it close.
Any hints on how to solve this will be appreciated.
Best regards.Sumidero.
Hello everybody:
Recenty we had to stumble upon a series of indentical posts by a spammer. The old forum hosting allowed us users to mark those posts as spam. Is there any way now to do this?
Thanks and best regards.Sumidero
Hello everybody:
This is something I've been working on for a while. This abstraction (via Python code in an PyExt object) saves a lot of tables and arrays to a single file using marshalling (using pickle) in Python. Some of us may have different approaches to saving parameters/presets, but I hope this is useful to many. One advantage of this method is that the whole process of gathering data and saving is in a different thread than Pd. The Python script goes to the PyExt scripts folder, as usual.
All suggestions are welcomed. Happy coding!sumidero
Hello everybody:
Here I'm sharing a python script that contains two classes to instance using the amazing pyext library. One of these two classes converts messages and numbers to a series of its ascii character codes along with an index number, so one can store a message right away in a table. The other class does the inverse job.
There is a patch that tries to show how this is implemented, á la help-patch.
This works by putting the script into the <whateverComesFirst>/pyext/py-master/scripts/ folder so the pyext external can 'see' it. <edit> I am using Pd-vanilla 0.47-1 on Debian Stretch </edit>
Well, let me know if this is useful to anyone if you want.
Best regards.Sumidero
Hello everybody:
I've written this system to have data persistance for Pd-extended with a quick save/load because I
personally don't understand deeply enough how sssad works.This technique relies on iem_tab/tab_copy object. I don't have Pd vanilla to test if the external can be loaded from it.
It is licensed under GplV3.
It happens to me a lot that many members post awesome patches for making sound or fx and I cannot merge them with the modules I have now. This set of abstractions that I give to the forum are written in such a way that one can have presets persistence very quickly. It saves all data to a wav file after dividing each value by 1e+7. Since I'm still using 32-bit Pd-extended the length of final data table is limited to 1e+7 values, but I think this would be quite enough.
This set of abstractions works as any presets manager in a keyboard: you move your sliders and/or edit tables and then you save that set of values to a certain preset number, using messages or clicking on (W) bang. Then you move them again to have a different setup and save that combination to a different preset number (W) bang or sending messages. When you recall them with (R) bang the values are set to your sliders and tables. Examples are provided in the compressed file so this post is not as long as a testament.
In the main patch you should put the presetsManagement-Master subpatch. In each abstraction (sound module, sampler, fx, etc) you should copy the presetsManagement subpatch. To each slider, numberbox, [f ] atom, toggle, etc, you should attach an [rwp ] abstraction and to each table that you'd like to persist, an [rwt ] abstraction. They should be instantiated as shown inside them. I rewrite that here:[rwp $0 <Id-number> <AmountOfPresets> ]
[rwt $0 <Id-number> <AmountOfPresets> <nameOfTheTableWithout '$0-'> ](so if the table you want to persist is instantiated as: http://www.pdpatchrepo.info/hurleur/presetsPersistence-Sumidero.tar.bz2
Hello everybody:
I want to share a little tool that I've needed and didn't find anywhere yet. Hopefully any of you can save some hours not just patching but making music.
This abstraction has eight stereo input and output audio pairs, so it has sixteen audio inputs and outputs. Also, it has a las seventeenth inlet for routing audio from outside using messages.
Well, constructive critics are welcome.Sumidero
Hello, everybody:
After looking at @sonsofsol's 3D engine (and hard trying to do something from it) and a following an old thread between @sonsofsol, @katjav, @PonZo and @Maelstorm. I decided to post my attempt. It's a work in progress, unfortunately, but I started it from bottom up bearing in mind the usability by others. There is a lot of linear vector algebra in the orbiting part and the calculation of the hits on the planes. Since I don't have the time to end this as soon as I would like, here it is. There may be some comments in spanish somewhere in the code, but nothing too relevant for understanding of it. Numbers and symbols objects are the ones left not being implemented.
Any constructive comments are welcome. I wish this were useful to the needs of any of you.Sumidero
Dear admins:
Sadly I have to tell you all that I'm experimenting issues of slow showing of this fourm pages. On the other hand, downloading of attachments is very fast (or archives are too small to detect slow speed). The other vast majority of webpages I'm surfing through is loading reasonably fast.
In this particular case I'm using Mozilla Firefox 6.0 on a Windows 7 Pro Edition (with legal license that came bundled with a Lenovo laptop. If it's not FLOSS, at least it's original) As soon as I finish working I switch back to Debian, compare performances and write you again.
I hope this issue is solved soon. I send you all a big hug from the nowadays freezing Pampas (Argentina)Sumidero
Hello everybody:
This is a group of three abstractions. There are two different types: one with a linear scale for sustain values between 0 and 1, and the other with a logarithmic time scale for attack, decay and release values, all of them for each midi note. The third abstraction, adsrGlobal-sumidero.pd uses them to make an adsr for the whole midi range: 0-127. The idea is that with just four traces we can set the adsr values for all midi notes. It outputs time in ms and sustain between 0 and 1. They also have a couple of number boxes for setting and resetting.
There is a little explanation of use and outputs in asdrGlobal-sumidero-help.pd.
I hope you find it useful. Thanks for all your support everyday.Sumidero
Hello everybody:
I'm trying to make a sampler that self-tunes its samples. I used the phase vocoder example by MSP, the polyphonic with sustain pedal by @Maelstorm and a part of @hardoff's patch adsr~. The self-tunning part is sort of working but now it seems that I messed something up because there is no audio at all.
Some explanation of the stuff, which is a work in progress: The audio tables, pitches tables and a table with some data are on a subpatch called 'pd data'. [pd insample] inputs the sample from file system or [adc~], calculates and fills the pitches table and audio data table. Then there is a group of objects that simulate a key pressing for 0.9s. [pd atsPoly] manages the midi poly stuff (thanks to @Maelstorm for the sustain pedal part) and sends notes to the voicing abstractions: atsVoz.pd. Each of these abstraction instances have a mixture of adsr~.pd from hardoff's diy2 and I07-phase-vocoder.pd by Miller Puckette.It is giving the following errors:
signal outlet connect to nonsignal inlet (ignored)
signal outlet connect to nonsignal inlet (ignored)
signal outlet connect to nonsignal inlet (ignored)After opening a sample:
signal outlet connect to nonsignal inlet (ignored)
signal outlet connect to nonsignal inlet (ignored)
signal outlet connect to nonsignal inlet (ignored)
error: pack_float: wrong typeThere are a bunch of [print ] everywhere to debug it but I can't seem to find the cause of these errors or the absence of sound.
Any help, please? Thank you very much in advance.Sumidero
Hello everybody:
After some exchange of posts in this thread:http://puredata.hurleur.com/sujet-5578-old-toughbook-useful-live-events
I told @katjav and @PonZo that soon I was going to post a log of a Real-time Kernel compilation and installation for Debian based machines, so that Pd would run fast and smooth in any machine, even a small netbook. I only found the log of the compilation of a desktop machine, but the process is the same, adjusting the choices to the equipment features. I hope this encourages you to compile your own Real-time kernel.
You can download the pdf file from here:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6086343/HowToCompileARealTimeKernelForDebian.pdf
Extra data:
You can find out the chipset name of your audio card using this command:# cat /proc/asound/cards
There are some extra tweaks needed to develop real-time performance:
Install jack with its graphic front end:
# aptitude install qjackctl
Once installed, it prompts us to configure automatically this file:
/etc/security/limits.d/audio.confWe agree and then we tweak this other file opening it with any text editor (always in root mode).
# gedit /etc/security/limits.conf
Then we add these lines at the bottom of the limits.conf file to assign high and real-time priorities to the @audio group:
@audio - rtprio 99
@audio - memlock unlimited
@audio - nice -10Don't forget to add your user to the @audio group:
# adduser <userName> audio
I hope it works for you too. Best regards to all of you.
Hello everybody:
A few weeks ago I ran into a post (which I cannot find now) of this forum that said, just like passing by, that there are some limits to the usage of Pd-extended when making profit out of patches.
If someone wants, for instance, to play live using some flavour of Pd and has the chance to get some money out of it, or teach electronic music using it, or to make any device that runs Pd on some part of hardware, how do the licenses apply? Is is fair to make a living out of teaching / performing / making gear using Pd-anything?
I am aware that no one can 'close' the code to sell it or erase the comments (where the licenses are written) from it, and I strongly agree with that. Since I try to teach at the University using FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software) as much as I can, I am in some sort of blank when it comes to the, so to speak, 'business' world.
Since here in Argentina most of the people are still drifting aimlessly in cracked commercial privative software (both OS's and apps) I feel an urge to shed some light on these matters so anybody will know that there is an option if you cannot afford a commercial software license or (better) you want to be free from those highly restrictive contracts. There is no need to steal, crack or forge anymore. There is FLOSS.
Thank you all for your tolerance and, I hope, answers.Sumidero.
Ps: I took the courage to introduce Pd to people at FLISOL (translated: Latin American Festival of Free/Libre Software Installation) Thank you all for all you've taught me. Links to pictures coming as soon as I get them.
Hello everybody:
I have a table filled with audio data, for instance, 20s of a singer line. I would like to get the frequencies of that recording for every window of W samples (W=2048, 4096 or so). I can get those single values in time using [sigmund~] but I cannot copy them on the fly into a table. That vector (whose length is the same length as the audio) would have constant values for each window length.
The idea, later on, is to have an out of tune detector.
Thanks in advance.Sumidero
Hello everybody:
I was toying around with an idea which resulted in this abstraction. It can be surely improved.
I wanted to have a bang at each bar to trigger events along with the base subdivision tempo. Then I thought that it could be useful to bang every further subdivisions of the tempo beat.
Feel free to use, modify, etc. if you find it useful/interesting.
Best regards,Sumidero
Here is the patch:
To the administrator:
Why is it that I cannot attach a zipfile? I get this error:
Error: Unable to move file from: /tmp/phpofG09m to attach/1146769eddbdf34c3a1d8f2f0f16a58b/7d9c89cfbf21fcfabbfe64a94130ee04.attach. -
Hello everybody:
I developed the patch to know the notes (name, octave and tuning) of an audio signal, nothing too complex, just a nice tool.
I wanted to make use of the [switch~] object to avoid extensive cpu usage, limiting the calculus to the time required by [fiddle~] object. If I'd put the [switch~] object and connect it as shown on the patch by comment lines, it will crash Pd as soon as I open the patch.- Would anyone give me a hint on this, please?
- Furthermore, how can I make the GOP part less ugly? I thought about concatenating the midi note, octave and tuning as texts, I don't know how to make a string (or text) out of the three of them.
Thank you very much.
PD: when this issue is solved, I will post it on patches~ section.
Hi Johannes:
Try this, maybe it will help:
Open qjackctl. Don't start yet. Click on "Setup..." button. Click on "Options" tab. Select "Execute script on startup" and write "killall pulseaudio" into the text field. Then click on Ok and save. Start jack and then start Pd with -jack option or choose it from the menu.
I hope it works!
Kind regards.Sumidero