Hello all,
So, I am trying to open an Applescript using Shell.I am confused by how shell works. I would think that sending Shell cd .. should take the system down up a directory, but it does not seem to work. I am stuck on the directory that I went to.
Can anyone provide additional clarity on Shell and moving directories and applications and such.
I am trying to implement this. I am curious though. Ofelia does not seem to be working when I automatically open the file. Using a master patch. Any help? -
Well, just realized we are up to 55.1. It works right now in 55.1
No help? It happened again. So, I fix the problem by opening pd 53.2. Open the file. I then close the file and the program. Open pd 54.1 and then reopen the file using Ofelia. Any ideas?
Hmmm... It is working now, but I am concerned that I did something wrong.
I tried opening up my files in 54.1 which did not work.
Opened the files in 53.2, then
closed 53.2 and then opened up 54.1 and now ofelia is working. -
Hey all,
So, Ofelia is working for me in .53.2 but not in .54.1Any ideas why? Is there a simple fix?
sender is an object?
Tried to make the object, but it couldn't create.
Thanks. I am a bit surprised that this object does not have any commentary. I just found it by accident and it does seem useful. No help page, no discussion on this forum, and I cannot find any discussion anywhere else.
I have been trying that, but that does not seem to work unless I create an object that can added.As in. . . if I create a pd patch like this:
pd higherlevelobject
pd testobject_below_higherlevelobject
If I create a send $0-test in the testobject_below. . . .
And make a receive $0-test in higherlevelobject, messages will be received.
But if I do this using sendlocal and send receive the higherlevelobject does not receive the message.
There does not seem to be any support for this as the system warns you that sendlocal and sendreceive are "deprecated." But they are a "special" type of send and receive. ONLY for the window they are in.
I would like to use them, but I fear they will be taken away at a later time.
Hey all,
Just discovered sendlocal and sendreceive.Is there a reason I should not use these objects? They seem to be a good way to clean up the connections to reduce the number of connections in a patch.
Ah that all makes sense. When I perform the piece or practice it, I use an external sound card, but was just running some operations in the computer. So, I guess I will have to start testing the system with the external soundcard at all times. Thanks for the quick responses.
I have learned to keep as few windows open at one time.
Drop outs occurring. . .
My newest patch is making lots of dropout in the audio playback. Too many operations. I am looking for what operations to reduce, but any help with my situation would be appreciated.
My computer:
Macbook Pro
Processor: 2.6 GHz 6-core Intel Core i7
Graphics: Intel UHD Graphics 1536
Memory:16GB 2400 MHZ DDR4In Pd 54.1 I have these settings right now, but I would like to reduce the delay at least:
44100k sampling (I would like to go to 48k)
50ms Delay (I would like this to get down to at least 30ms)
64 Block SizeIs there something obvious I need to do? The computer is over five years old.
I am using intensive additive synthesis, delays, reverb units, among other operations.
Help. . . .
Thanks for all the ideas.
I do keep wi-fi on, so I will turn that off and as many items as I can, like bluetooth?The CPU load is getting up to 60%.
As for the Activity monitor it is getting Pd is taking up more than 80% at times. I am also trying to implement a process where I turn on and off using switch~ the osc~'s. I am worried that that may not be a good idea.
I will continue to work on it.
As I am playing live with the additive synthesis portions of the piece am not sure I can go to 80ms delay, but I can see if that helps.
Good morning all,
I am working on employing additive synthesis in my new work. I am building the infrastructure of the piece and running into a problem.I right now have probably over 200 osc~ objects (And I would like more), freeverb~ objects, distortion objects, and other objects I have created in developing this piece.
I am using a Pd 0.54.1 on a macOS, sample rate 48000, Delay (msec) 30, block size 64,
The mac has a 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, Memory 16GB 2400 MH DDR4, macOS 13.6.6.
I am getting clicking noises in the output. I am assuming I am overloading the system.
Any thoughts and help would be appreciated.
thanks. Got it and it works and your help is much appreciated.
Hey all,
So, what is the functional use of snake~?I can get the object to work if there is a direct connection to a snake~ out.
However, I tried to use a send~ to a receive~ object with a name like test_snake, and the receive outlet only recognizes the first variable.
Am I doing something wrong? I could see the use of this object if I could send the data to another object, but cannot think of the right object to use to send all of the channels of data.
Oh boy. I did not do a search appropriately. Disregard. Sorry for wasting space.