• raynovich

    sender is an object?

    Tried to make the object, but it couldn't create.

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  • raynovich

    Let me try that.

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  • raynovich

    Thanks. I am a bit surprised that this object does not have any commentary. I just found it by accident and it does seem useful. No help page, no discussion on this forum, and I cannot find any discussion anywhere else.

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  • raynovich

    I have been trying that, but that does not seem to work unless I create an object that can added.

    As in. . . if I create a pd patch like this:

    pd higherlevelobject

    pd testobject_below_higherlevelobject

    If I create a send $0-test in the testobject_below. . . .

    And make a receive $0-test in higherlevelobject, messages will be received.

    But if I do this using sendlocal and send receive the higherlevelobject does not receive the message.

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  • raynovich

    There does not seem to be any support for this as the system warns you that sendlocal and sendreceive are "deprecated." But they are a "special" type of send and receive. ONLY for the window they are in.

    I would like to use them, but I fear they will be taken away at a later time.

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  • raynovich

    Hey all,
    Just discovered sendlocal and sendreceive.

    Is there a reason I should not use these objects? They seem to be a good way to clean up the connections to reduce the number of connections in a patch.

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  • raynovich

    Ah that all makes sense. When I perform the piece or practice it, I use an external sound card, but was just running some operations in the computer. So, I guess I will have to start testing the system with the external soundcard at all times. Thanks for the quick responses.

    I have learned to keep as few windows open at one time.

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  • raynovich

    Drop outs occurring. . .

    My newest patch is making lots of dropout in the audio playback. Too many operations. I am looking for what operations to reduce, but any help with my situation would be appreciated.

    My computer:

    Macbook Pro
    Processor: 2.6 GHz 6-core Intel Core i7
    Graphics: Intel UHD Graphics 1536
    Memory:16GB 2400 MHZ DDR4

    In Pd 54.1 I have these settings right now, but I would like to reduce the delay at least:

    44100k sampling (I would like to go to 48k)
    50ms Delay (I would like this to get down to at least 30ms)
    64 Block Size

    Is there something obvious I need to do? The computer is over five years old.

    I am using intensive additive synthesis, delays, reverb units, among other operations.

    Help. . . .

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  • raynovich

    Thanks for all the ideas.
    I do keep wi-fi on, so I will turn that off and as many items as I can, like bluetooth?

    The CPU load is getting up to 60%.

    As for the Activity monitor it is getting Pd is taking up more than 80% at times. I am also trying to implement a process where I turn on and off using switch~ the osc~'s. I am worried that that may not be a good idea.

    I will continue to work on it.

    As I am playing live with the additive synthesis portions of the piece am not sure I can go to 80ms delay, but I can see if that helps.

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!