• lucassilveira


    I was running some tests with my mic and guitar on Pure Data and noticed some latency. I know this is a beginner's question, but where does this very Pd latency come from?

    posted in technical issues 2 years agoread more
  • lucassilveira


    Both are correct. My patch was wrong, missing an [adc~] object (thanks @alexandros).

    And @whale-av, thanks for the clear and comprehensive explanation. It really lacked to enter the multicast address on the computer that listens to the connection.

    Below the patches updated and working.

    posted in technical issues 2 years agoread more
  • lucassilveira

    I have the following two patches, the microphone patch running on machine A and the speaker patch on machine B. Both are connected to the same Wi-Fi, but I still can't hear the audio.
    Where is the error in my patches?

    Computer A

    Computer B

    P.S: The audio settings are correct and I can hear the sound when the patch is local.

    posted in technical issues 2 years agoread more
  • lucassilveira

    I have the patch from the image below.
    I want to send the values from my slider, using netsend and receiving these values in a netreceive object.
    However, every change I make to the slider returns the message "netsend: no method for 'float'".
    How to solve this problem?



    posted in technical issues 2 years agoread more
  • lucassilveira

    There are a series of posts about pdlua and the Lua language alongside Pure Data (like this one and this one).
    But when trying to install pdlua on a Linux mint using this tutorial (https://github.com/agraef/pd-lua) I couldn't configure the library to boot alongside Pure Data. I'm not even sure I managed to install it. Can you help me with this?

    posted in technical issues 2 years agoread more
  • lucassilveira

    @whale-av Works for me too :)

    posted in technical issues 2 years agoread more
  • lucassilveira

    I have the following patch. But whenever I click on the toggle the sound is interrupted and then I can't turn it back on by clicking on the same toggle. How to solve it?

    [osc~ 440]

    posted in technical issues 2 years agoread more
  • lucassilveira

    I know that in Pure Data there are ways to open the patch using bang, for example.
    Is it possible to do the reverse? Create a message or object that closes a patch so that I don't have to close Pure Data by clicking the "X" in the window?
    Something like a "close bang"

    posted in technical issues 2 years agoread more
  • lucassilveira

    Good afternoon,

    I created a patch on Pure Data capable of obtaining the image from my webcam. How do I send the video to a local network? I mean, how do I get it to appear on another computer?

    posted in technical issues 4 years agoread more
  • lucassilveira

    @whale-av Unfortunately, it didn't work. While doing some research, I discovered the mrpeach library. It looks interesting. Can I send this message with mrpeach?

    posted in technical issues 4 years agoread more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!