• katjav

    Several people asked for an update of project Slice//Jockey. It dates from Pd-Extended times. SliceJockey3 finally works with vanilla Pd. Find it here:


    It needs a few external libraries which are available from deken for all current platforms. Details on the webpage. The project was verified to work on Linux (Intel and ARM), MacOS and Windows (tested through Wine).

    posted in patch~ 5 years agoread more
  • katjav

    I want to make some help and test patches with vanilla objects only. Is [output~] part of vanilla?

    posted in technical issues 11 years agoread more
  • katjav

    A video showing the try out of my wearable live sampling outfit:

    Software is all Pd / Linux on an rugged convertible tablet (Panasonic CF-19) with touch screen. It feels good to be liberated from the conventional laptop table.


    posted in output~ 11 years agoread more
  • katjav

    [partconvEQ10~] is a 10 band equalizer abstraction based on minimum-phase FIR filtering and partitioned convolution. Even though it uses a 2048 point FIR filter, it adds no more than a few samples latency to your patch. This is because the energy of the filter kernel is concentrated right at the start (minimum-phase instead of zero-phase). FIR filtering does not suffer from phase distortion.

    The low latency makes this EQ suitable for live performance. I use it for microphone correction with -12 to +12 dB range, but it can be used with more extreme amplitude effect as well, to kill frequency bands like it is done in DJ mixers. The help patch has examples of both applications.

    Average CPU load of this EQ is modest, ~1% on a regular laptop. However, computing a minimum-phase kernel (done for every filter parameter update) is CPU intensive and causes a short spike in CPU load. Therefore the technique may not be suitable for small platforms like Raspberry Pi. On my 1 GHz core2duo laptop tablet it performs well.

    The abstraction uses Pd-extended objects [bsaylor/partconv~], [cyclone/speedlim] and [iemlib/for++].

    If you want to read yourself a headache on minimum-phase filtering, here's the background documentation:




    posted in abstract~ 12 years agoread more
  • katjav


    I'm planning to do a graphic equalizer as fast convolution FIR filter in Pd. Let's say the equalizer has 10 sliders, one per octave. The question is how to translate the octave amplitudes to a smooth frequency curve. I was thinking about something along these lines:

    1. upsample an array containing the amplitudes via FFT and larger zeropadded IFFT to get a smooth curve of 1024 points

    2. warp the linear curve to logarithmic using [tabwrite4~] interpolation, to get 1024 spectrum points

    Not sure if step 1 will work. Before reinventing the wheel, I'd like to know if someone has already built a graphic EQ FIR filter in Pd.


    posted in technical issues 12 years agoread more
  • katjav


    Today [ipoke~], a variable speed writer class with linear interpolation, is released as beta version. This class enables you to model some intriguing processes, like variable speed sound-on-sound looping and doppler effects.

    [ipoke~] was originally written for MaxMsp by Pierre Alexandre Tremblay. The Pd port results from a happy collaboration between P.A. Tremblay, his colleagues at Huddersfield University, and Pd people. Collaboration still goes on - a version with higher order interpolation is in the pipeline, but that is for the next version. Find [ipoke~] v.3test1 with source code, binaries and test patches here:


    We're in test phase so if you find bugs or flaws, please let us know. And if you design cool patches with [ipoke~], please upload!


    posted in news 13 years agoread more
  • katjav

    Not specially exciting, but just in case you'd need to find that bit for some reason, here's an abstraction (message rate).



    posted in abstract~ 13 years agoread more
  • katjav


    I am working on a Freeverb using vanilla objects. In contrast with [freeverb~] it should match with samplerates other than 44.1 KHz.

    Freeverb is explained here by Julius O. Smith:


    Apart from small details [vfreeverb~] is operational. It needs (performance-)testing. I'd be eager to know if it works on tablet platforms.



    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more
  • katjav

    Effective GUI elements are crucial for making a responsive music tool. Pd has only a few basic GUI objects, but in the course of time I've found methods to produce more advanced GUI's. For example, a numbox which scrolls in both directions (horizontally and vertically). Or [selector], a fancy radiobutton. An xy-pad with multiple controls, and a beat indicator with built-in BPM tap key. Graphically, it is all made up from the native IEM guis in Pd, but [cyclone/MouseState] is mostly used for their operation.

    See attached gui-extended.zip for a small collection. With some patience, you don't need MaxMsp for it's slick GUI's at all!


    Edit: an updated version (with a bug-fix) is in post #6


    posted in abstract~ 13 years agoread more
  • katjav


    Today I could query the user list without being logged in. I thought this used to be impossible, or at least it should be impossible, no?


    posted in this forum 13 years agoread more

Internal error.

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