• FredIR

    @alexandros & @whale-av Thanks for those good advice, from now one I will use [t b b] in order to check my patches. and i will try to simplifies the patches I'll post in order to be more readable.
    Thanks for your those advice and your kindness.

    posted in technical issues about a year agoread more
  • FredIR

    @jameslo Yes you are right, but as I use a bang on every number I need, it works.



    Thanks again.

    posted in technical issues about a year agoread more
  • FredIR

    Thanks jameslo
    Good idea,
    but even that the out put of the first expression conditional is a list of numbers as expected,
    the second expression conditional just out put one zero every time.
    But if I enter two messages [1( & [2( in order to check the output, it works just fine.
    I really don’t understand this behavior...

    Edit: Sorry jameslo I just forgot to bang the second expression so it gave me just the first number witch is always zero.
    Once again sorry.

    posted in technical issues about a year agoread more
  • FredIR

    I’m puzzled by a conditional expression that doesn't work at all.
    My purpose is to make changing envelope for a granular experimentation.
    I have try multiples ways to write it, nothing seams to work correctly.
    This is the selected condition :


    If you could help me to resolve this problem or redirect me to a post where this kind of problem was solved, I will be glad. Thank you.

    posted in technical issues about a year agoread more
  • FredIR

    Sorry for my mistake, as my Linux MobMuPlat Editor seams not to work correctly it give me false info. On my smartphone the tuples are send correctly as a number of samples...
    So it's quit easy to set up the good speed ratio.
    Once again, sorry for this mistake.

    posted in technical issues about a year agoread more
  • FredIR

    Hello, I am a new comer on this site, a beginner in PD & in ModMuPlat.
    My question is about the way to use the range of a /Table in PD :
    MobMuPlat seams to send series of 12 tuples -1 -1 ,as it’s always the same info, I can’t understand how it works.
    But it works as shown in the example (MMPExamples-TableGlitch-ip5.mmp).
    The problem is that if you select a part of the table, only this part will be reed and that that’s, of course find, but the sample rate of the [phasor~] is not changing accordingly so as the selection is shorter than the table everything is slowing-down...And that’s not find.


    I hope I was clear enough in my explanation and my purpose.
    In advance thanks for your responses.

    posted in technical issues about a year agoread more
Internal error.

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