I'll report here for future reference:
Using "vis 1" to temporarily show the subpatch window before the edit solved the console errors.
Using "clear" to empty the whole subpatch before recreating the needed objects and connections works without the need to toggle the visibility and/or the editmode.@oid thank you again for your help!
Thank you!
I'll try tomorrow your solution, thank you!I wasn't using [clear( specifically 'cause I needed the outlet of the subpatch already connected, but I completely missed the simple workaround of using send and return! I think I'll switch to this solution, but I'll try the "vis" message just for the sake of knowledge!
Thank you a lot, this forum turned out to be an awesome place!
Hello, I'm getting this console error:
consistency check failed: editor
seemingly when trying to send an internal message as part of an abstraction's creation. The message is the following:
"pd-receive-$0" is a subpatch used inside this abstraction.
The thing is I couldn't find any helpful resources online to understand what exactly this error means, so that I can understand the steps to take to avoid or solve it. I thought it was something to do with the "editmode" status of the subpatch at the time of the mouse instructions, but I tried different things without any success...
Anyone know something about it?
The patch in itself seems to work, but I'd like to know what I'm missing.
Thank you! -
@lacuna maybe...
I'm sure it works as intended but it's a bit hard for me to understand what's going on...
Thank you for your time! I'm going to study it tomorrow! -
@seb-harmonik.ar OMG you did it!
I'm sure I tried it multiple times, but maybe I wasn't using the left [sel 1] inlet...Thank you SO much! I'm not yet sure WHY it works, I'm going to study it tomorrow, but it actually works!
Oh I can sleep tonightFor future reference here is the working patch:
@seb-harmonik.ar Thank you, but I'm not sure to understand it correctly... can you elaborate?
I tried as you suggested before, but I'd like it to be automated, so that if the toggle is on and I try to deactivate it directly it stays on, but if it's on and I activate another one it turns off.
This is where I'm at:
I tried to use the left outlet of the first [sel] to set the spigot closed, so that a message comes from the same "channel" it won't pass to the [send] but I couldn't make it work...I tried this, but it works for half of the times
it's ALMOST there!
Hello, I'm new to the forum, I hope someone here can help...
I succeeded in making a patch with different toggles that behave like radio buttons, so that when one is activated it deactivates the others. In short I send a channel number so that if a message is received with the same channel it is ignored, preventing a loop.
So far so good...
Now I'd like to prevent a toggle to be manually deactivated, so that at all times one toggle is on, while the others are off. I've tried different approaches, but I always end up in a stack overflow, no matter how hard I try... Is there a way?
Thank you!FYI I don't want to use an actual radio object because these elements will be scattered in different abstractions, working together with send and receive objects.