I didn't notice any bugs, and was actually able to play a whole gig last night using your code in my custom built pd sampler! So i think its safe to say its an efficient method!
Wow that proved to be more complicated than I first thought! Thanks a ton for that patch, It works great! I don't really need more than note values for this project anyway.
I'm using a raspberry pi 4 running Patchbox OS and Pisound. I've found that using [notein] adds up to 40 ms latency when using the hardware midi inputs of Pisound. However, using [midiin] instead I can get it as low as 5 ms latency! Not sure why notein adds so much delay... Anyway now I need a way to sort the midi data coming in from [midiin] into note values and velocity, But the stream of numbers enter sequentially and not as a list, so I don't have a way of sorting the numbers. Any ideas how to way easily route the incoming note value and velocity down different paths? Thanks!
@whale-av thanks for the suggestion, I can't use extended for this unfortunately, but I will check it out!
@LarsXI Thanks! I don't quite get how you mean with |f | x |+ 1|, if you could write a quick patch that would truly be helpful! -
Hi! I've been searching for this for a while and feel like I need to ask here now
I'm trying to paint an exponential curve in a table. I've done it before using tabwrite and a metro banging out a number feeding into x^2. But it's not fast nor reliable. What I'm looking for is a simple message to say set table to x^2. One click action sort of how the message ; array1 const 0 works. Is there a way to combine expressions and writing to tables in this manner?
Thats clever to use a delay line! Thanks for the help!
Not sure if this is the right branch of the forum but I'd like some help with building a patch that I can't figure out how to make.
This patch is supposed to help me when I'm playing around with a synth for a long time to record only the little sounds that I like among many minutes of recording. I want to be able to record a 'window' of audio of say 1 minute so that when I find a nice sound I could press a button to save the last 10 seconds of recording as a new file. The only way I can see this happening is if I record everything into a buffer memory like a table and then somehow save just the last 10 seconds as a file. Any ideas how this could be achieved? -
Hey! I've been pondering about a quick way to "crop" an array, meaning i play the sample with specific start and end points using tabplay~ and I want to be able to send a bang to "commit" to the start and end. The reason is that when I load up the sample next time I start PD it should be the cropped version.
Thanks for any help!
This is because i've found that making a short loop and double it to overdub only a part of it is the best way to use loops to create things on the fly. It can be done easily with delaylines, but with those i've found no quick way to clear the loop instantly and to speed it up and down.
Hey, is there a way to double the information of an array, for example to make a short soundfile double the lenght. The purpose is to make a looper which can double/halve the loop.
Hi. I'm making a sample trigger mechanism with the help of a piezo disc. I want to trigger the sample with varying velocity following how hard i hit the disc. Now, i've set a box only letting the numbers above silence through in this fashion:
max 30And i can use threshold~ to trigger the sample. But to control the amp of each strike I need to store the highest value I get when striking the disc. Any ideas how this is done?
Hi, i'm building a kick-drum synth and I'm struggling with getting the ADSR right. From what i've understood it's easiest to use an array to draw the audio level/pitch level curve and have it read each time I press a button to play the kick. I want to be able to use one vslider to change the function in the array, updating it simultaneously and generating a nice mathematical curve for my kick. How is this easiest achieved?
Thanks in advance
Wow @Monetus that was better than I could've hoped for! Thanks a bunch man.
Hey, I'm trying to convert a list into a message box.
Like this I want my list from the textfile to write out to a message. I got it working using set $1 $2 $3.. etc. But since I wont know how long my list will be, I was hoping there was a more dynamic way to get the list into a message box.
Thanks for any help!
Thanks for the replies. The dynamic one with variables was the one I was going for. Since I will have alot more of those variables it's a pity there is no object that can handle multiple match-numbers.
Hey, i'm wondering if there is a way to use the function of the [select] object but with several variables. For example
[atom] [48] [56]
| | |
[bang]So when the atom reaches 48 and 56 it bangs. I reckon [sel] only matches with one other number as long as I dont specify like [sel 48 56] but that won't give me any variable opportunities.
Any thoughts on this?