First, I am so thrilled to have "found" pure data. It is a sheer to delight to work with it and the pure data family. Not since I became a part of the puppy linux family have I found so many kind, helpful, and generous arms. So cheers to all of you.
That being said, I want to give something to that community and this has bugged me for a long time:
Not being able to see the pd_docs help files without being "online" in pd.
And having gone around and around with other techniques, ex. webpd, pddroidparty, mpd, I could not for the life of me "see" and thus learn from that reference source unless I was on a computer and not my smartphone which is where i do most of my reading.
Then I stumbled on the patch2svg plugin and the light shone on me and I saw how, via shell script, it could be done.
So, the attached zip file below is the entire pure data/docs folder (as downloaded from the github site) converted to .svg so that it might be viewed in a browser whether you are online in pd or not.
I sincerely and humbly hopes this helps someone (besides just me :---) and an even bigger hope is that someone might host the files so that we could ALL see them and learn from them no matter where or what machine we are on.
Peace, good cheer, and I am SOOO glad to be aboard.
p.s. the first patch I plan on posting is a 4-tap delay with each line having its own pitchshifter (via the great work done in the DIY2 collection). VERY interesting sounds come out of it. tho I have yet to truly "play" with on my guitar.
p.s.s. oh, i included the shell script in the zip I did the work with as well as a folder of subpatches the parent of which i could not track down.