Hi, I am trying to create a schroeder reverb in pure data and i am having trouble creating a successful feedback comb filter. Does anybody have any advice on how to create one or have a download of a fbcomb filer object for pure data??
Hi, I am trying to create a schroeder reverb in pure data and i am having trouble creating a successful feedback comb filter. Does anybody have any advice on how to create one or have a download of a fbcomb filer object for pure data??
i have a comb filter rcombf~ in my library (below in signature) there is also one in cyclone. Since a comb filter is just a recirculating delay, you could also use the bottom part of the help file G02.delay.loop.pd
Thanks i appreciate your help. how would i go about getting the rcombf~ onto my pure data to use? I've read the read me section but still can't get my head around it? also where would i find the cyclone and the G02.delay.loop.pd file? thanks again
Cyclone is a library contained in extended. If you're using vanilla, install the deken-plugin https://github.com/pure-data/deken and use that to install the library.
G02.delay.loop.pd is in Help -> Browser... -> Pure Data -> 3.audio.examples
There are lots of examples there which can give quite some insight!
The feedback and feedforward comb filters are explained here:
and the schroeder reverb here:
Nevertheless there is a restriction for the feedback comb filter. It implies a minimum delay time of the audio vector size, generally 64 samples in PD (around 1.45ms for a sampling rate of 44100 Hz). You can avoid this by using the filter in a subpatch with a [block~] object that changes the audio vector size.
Here the patch:
Comb filter.pd
Thats great, thanks for your help
Oops! Looks like something went wrong!