So somebody built a game of Pac-Man in Pure Data...
But here are some things that could be improved:
- the AI of the ghosts in the original game is quite fascinating, and possibly not too difficult to implement, see:
- when PacMan has eating a large pill and is able to eat ghost, they are sent to the house in the centre. But once a ghost is eaten, he comes back to normal immediately regardless if PacMan is still under the effect of the large pill
- In the original game, PacMan hit detection is not done by the collision of sprites, but rather by the superimposition of the centre of a ghost sprite and the centre of PacMan sprite. This means that they can get very close to each other before PacMan dies
Gilberto -
@gsagostinho, awesome feedback! I'm not the author of this patch though so you may want to write to them directly:
@lzr are you in contact with him? I saw you wrote him a message on the patch storage page. If so, feel free to pass these ideas on (since you showed interest in helping him with the AI), else I can drop him an e-mail
Gilberto -
@gsagostinho: no, I'm not. There was no reply to my message. I may send an email later.
I made an improvement to data structure redrawing for the upcoming release of Pd-l2ork. As a result the pac-data game runs with perfectly smooth graphics (and no audio dropouts either).
Fun stuff!
@lzr I wrote him an e-mail telling him about this thread, maybe he will get interested in participating
I came from read your conments 5 years after!, thanks a lot. PacData was a funny game, one of these days i will re-work on it. My web doesnt work, you can find me here: claudionervi [at] gmail