Hi how are you, ye or y'all?
I am having a problem with a simple connection math issue.
I am trying to write a programme which would be a learning tool for the 12 times tables. 2 sliders (left and right) both numbered 1 to 12. I have a subpatch which is controlling the arithmetic.
Each number on the left is a colour, each number on the right is a progressively darker shade of that colour so that the answer is displayed numerically and visually (3x1 = light yellow, 3x12 = very dark yellow) . there's the basic premise.
The left slider bangs the sum, the right slider needs to be moved and then banged which is annoying. The sum is at least correct.
If I wire it differently both sliders bang the sum but the answers are all wrong.
How can I wire it so each slider bangs the answer (and colour canvas) as well as giving the correct answer?
I hope this makes sense.
Thanks for your time.