So I'm making a patch in Puredata were people listen to sounds presented to them and respond to them pressing the computer keyboard, with PD recording their input for later analysis by me. I have two subpatches/abstractions that do this for me. They're more or less identical but one handles input and output for mono files and another for stereo files.
I'm wondering if there's an easy way to switch between these two patches from a main patch that people will interact with. That is, I want it so that after people have finished doing stuff with the stereo patch, for example, they can use a vradio object (or something) to simply select the mono patch, which will switch all input from the user and output from PD to this patch.
These seems like it could be easy enough to do but I'm confused over how PD will be able to tell the difference without getting confused between the different patches that share a lot of the same arguments/object names etc.