Do users display text in PD in canvases often? If so, does the text get to the point where it requires more than one line of text? If so, is there a standard patch used to separate the text onto multiple canvases?
Standards in creating text for canvases?
Do users display text in PD in canvases often? If so, does the text get to the point where it requires more than one line of text? If so, is there a standard patch used to separate the text onto multiple canvases?
No, so no again. Not that I know of.
But you might find something here...
if you scroll down to "Canvas Widget"...
But you should start reading here:... http://puredata.info/docs/guiplugins/GuiPluginsAPI/
There seem to be some pop-up window tools available (like the "find" window in pd).
and thanks for making me google around, because I found something I have been looking for....here...
which lets me remove the menu bar from my canvases!!
Oops! Looks like something went wrong!