When using an xbox controller with [hidin] it works for a while, but then crashes pure data, which closes without warning. It seems to happen when multiple buttons are pressed on the controller at once, though sometimes all buttons can be pressed and it still works fine.
Is there any fix to this? I really need it to work...
[hidin] crashing pure data
@tburn1 No suggestions?
as far as I know, [hid] ([hidin] is for windows? not sure what's the difference) is in a (very) alpha state. I think for years, but Hans-Christoph Steiner, who made it, is not maintaining Pd-extended anymore, including this object.
Maybe I'm wrong here, so someone correct me please if so.Anyway, maybe that's a bug that needs to be fixed, but won't due to lack of support (at least for now). Why don't you try an arduino alternative? There are quite some knobs, buttons etc (even a whole playstation-like controller) out there, that could easily work with pduino (also by Hans-Christoph Steiner