I'm sorry for the horribly unfunny thread name. My question really is if it's possible to open raw files with PD, like images, a bit like Audacity. Maybe storing the files values in an array or something similar.
Thank you for your time!
Opening "pure data" with pure data
I'm sorry for the horribly unfunny thread name. My question really is if it's possible to open raw files with PD, like images, a bit like Audacity. Maybe storing the files values in an array or something similar.
Thank you for your time!
I'm not sure that this is what you mean, but you can use [textfile] to read and write .pd files. With a bit of leg-work from [route] and [list-split], it's possible to edit patches this way. And I don't see why you couldn't store specific values in an array. What are you thinking of specifically?
You can theoretically use the {soundfiler} object with the -raw flag to import anything into an array.
Oops! Looks like something went wrong!