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How to bang in random time
Well, you bang with a [metro] and every bang goes also to a [random] that sets the metro time via its right inlet, pretty simple..
@alexandros said:
Well, you bang with a [metro] and every bang goes also to a [random] that sets the metro time via its right inlet, pretty simple..
I find that doesn't give a favorable distribution. A poisson distribution (using an exponential distribution to set the time of a [delay] object) is more "natural". One of the pd example patches uses a [metro] with a randomized [delay], but that just adds jitter to a constant rate stream of bangs.
There's a few objects that might help - [prob] [decide] [random] [urn]. You could also draw or write into tables and read out the values linearly or randomly. You could use various kind of delays with random modifications.
There are lots of examples in the RTC library that might help.
Probably my favourite was generating random triggers or pulses from cross modulated LFO's and using <~ >~ and edge~ to create bangs. I liked playing around with the lfo's and keeping things in audio rate it just seemed to sound better to me than using [random] with metro's.