Hello pd forum,
I'm working on a multi-sensor project with Arduino running Standard Firmata to a pduino patch into Ableton. I've got the first sensor working fine (an infrared proximity sensor). But when I try to add another sensor to the mix I can't get it to work. I've tried doubling up sensor inputs on a breadboard running to same analog in pin and tried using a separate second analog input pin for second sensor but neither works. Any suggestions? I suspect the problem is with my pd patch. I've attached a screen shot of the single sensor patch that works. Help greatly appreciated. I am new to learning pd so this may be a simple problem.
This patch is a simplified version of pduino. I copied it from a tutorial which suggested the simplification. Perhaps this is the problem. The other weird thing is that although I am running the one sensor into analog input 2 on the Arduino it doesn't work unless pin 4 is enabled for analog input too, even though there is nothing physically connected to that input on the Arduino. Any explanations for that?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Arduino-pduino-Ableton with multiple sensors
Can't see any screen shot...it would help.