I am making a delay and I would like to know what this functions are I know what normal is but not dotted? or triplet?
Normal Dotted Triplet? how can i know whats what ?
Dotted means "1.5 times the length." Triplet means that note becomes a 1/3 subdivision instead of 1/2. So, an eighth note becomes 1/3 of a quarter note instead of 1/2.
I got it now! my brain stopped working that's what when wrong I suck at math
I am right or wrong?
Dotted: 8 * 1.5
Triplet: 8 * 2/3
Hi any one I got it down packed and time tested so what other note lengths can I test I know I can do 1/4 but what is the names of all the note lengths?
What is the name of other note lengths? that I can use
Any one do you know if there is a clear fraction system so I can edit the top and bottom number ? So i can make improper fractions ?
Instead of using a message box -
Haha it's good to see you answering your own questions.
how do i convert hertz's to bars ?
how many hertz's are in one bar ? -
Depends on how long the bar is. Hz are cycles per second. So figure out how many seconds the bar is and multiply it by Hz.
i found a chart http://bradthemad.org/guitar/tempo_calculator.php
but the DIY2 lfo dose Hz and sync but the sync (dose not work) dose not work in bars. if so?
the Hz works in but i cant get in to go slow and the full length? -
If I'm not mistaken, DIY2's LFO syncs by setting the bpm in the right inlet, then banging the left inlet on the beat to sync it up. It syncs up to the beat. So if you want it to sync to bars instead, just divide the beats per minute by the number of beats per bar, and you end up with bars per minute.
I don't know if this will help or not, but I used to struggle with converting units, and understanding this helped me out a lot. When you see something like "120 beats PER minute", that "per" is like a fraction for units. So it can also be read as:
120 beats
1 minute
Units cancel out in fractions just like numbers, and division is the same as multiplying by the inversion, so:
120 beats 4 beats 120 beats 1 bars 120 beats * 1 bar
------------ / ----------- = ------------- * ----------- = ---------------------
1 minute 1 bar 1 minutes 4 beats 4 beats * 1 minute"beats" are in the numerator and denominator, so they cancel, and so do the 1's,
120 bars
----------------- = 30 bars/minute
4 minutes -
i was just about to complain but i got it now thanks Maelstorm
As fas as physics are concerned (..or math) its just like with a velocity measured in kilometers PER hour or miles per second "mps". It's still velovity, that is a length per time.
And if you want to convert units you assume thatvelocity.in.kph = conversion.factor * velocity.in.mps
..the conversion.factor has the unit [velocity.a/velocity.b]!.. or no unit at all like in:
"2 metres = 2* 1 metre" where "2" is the factor, and it points out a ratio in this case (so rather a "rational.factor"..)..same thing with a samplerate: "number of samples per time" and so on..
..or in general same with everything of the same type measured with different scales!!So here we don't have to touch the "time" but only replace the "length" (or the "number of samples") with the (..ehh..) "rhythm/gating/measure/tact?? " measured either in number of bars or beats ...
What we need is the conversion.factor. We know and assume..:
1 bar is equivalent to 4 beats,
-> bars = conv.fact * beats //..it's the conv.fact from beats to bars...
=> conv.fact = bars/beats = 1/4,so as we assumed: "number.of.bars = 1/4 * number.of.beats = 1/4 * 120 = 30"
120 [beats] 120 [beats] * 1/4 [bars/beats] 30 bars
--------------- = ------------------------------------- = ---------------
1 minute 1 minute 1 minute