Does anyone have experience with controlling DMX lights via an Arduino and Firmata from Pd?
I'm using a Duemilanove board plugged in via USB and I've uploaded the StandardFirmata sketch to it. I think Pd and the board are communicating successfully as the debug light flashes whenever I send anything to the [Arduino] object, and I know the lamp is plugged into the board correctly as I uploaded a simple test sketch to make the lamp fade up by itself and it worked.
I guess the only thing I don't know at the moment is the syntax for the messages I have to send from Pd to the board to communicate with the lamp. Also I don't know what mode I have to set all the pins to.
I would have thought the messages should look something like [digital 1 255( which would turn channel 1 (red) up to full, but it's not working.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I'm running Pd 0.41.4-extended on MacBook Pro running OS X 10.6.4.