Hi Roaramburu, everybody:
Since LinuxMint is a flavour of Ubuntu, which is based on Debian, their packages administrator (aptitude) works the same.
You must be connected to internet for this way of installing pdextended.
Open a console, like gnome-terminal, terminal, or lxterminal.
Write (<enter> means to type the enter key):
$ sudo su <enter>
Enter your password. The prompt should change from $ to #. You are in superuser mode. Now type:
# aptitude update <enter>
This command updates the list of packages.
# aptitude search pd- <enter>
A list should appear showing many packages with "pd-" string in their names. Amongst them there should be:
p pd-extended - Pure Data with patches and a large collection of externals
p pd-pdp - Graphics system for Pd
p pd-zexy - Addon library for Pd
The 'p' letter indicates that it is not installed. It turns to an 'i' then you do.
To install pd-extended just type:
# aptitude install pd-extended <enter>
The program may ask you to install some other modules required. Aptitude is the safest way to install anything in your Debian/Ubuntu/Mint system since the packages it shows have been tested for your distro.
I recommend you to capture the text on your console and paste it on a notepad, such as leafpad or gedit. This will help you if you have to ask for further help.
After installing, type:
# exit <enter>
Then you return to user mode, with the $ prompt.
I wish you success.
PD: note that despite the module is called "pd-extended" the program itself runs as "pdexended" from console. Anyway, you should find it on the menu list under Programming submenu like "pd-extended".
Debian Stretch on Lenovo T450i, Lexicon Omega.
Pd-vanilla 0.49.0-3~bpo9+1 (installed from repo)