WOW! that worked.
48% down to about 14%, that's pretty significant.
Incidentally, because of the design of my patch, I had a choice between putting one switch~ object in every instance of an abstraction containing 5 phasors and 5 line objects, (1 switch per 5 phasors)
adding five switch~ objects in five pd phasorsandwitch subpatches. (1 switch per phasor)
I tried both ways and came out with no significant difference., that must mean that the switch~ object itself uses some CPU when being turned on and off on the fly. Use it only for stuff that is turned on or off as a setting rather than during actual performance.
Cool!!! is there any place I can find other random tips on optimizing complex PD patches? I'm sure there are other things I can do. Eventually I hope to deploy this on a very small linux machine.