I want to play with Csound from Pure Data. Csound is installed and I can run Csound things from the command line just fine. I downloaded csound_pd from this link:
Extracted this to my externals folder and added the directory to Pure Data's Path.
But I can't create any instances of [csound6~].
Are there any further steps required to get it to run?
I don't know if I have to build it myself (never done this before). But there is a csound6~.dll in the externals folder, so I suppose I don't have to build this...
Help installing csound in pd on Win10
@Ice-Ice Try adding [declare -lib csound6~]
@jameslo Thanks, I've tried it, but no luck unfortunately. Pure Data console says:
tried C:/Users/IceIce/AppData/Roaming/Pd/csound6~/csound6~.dll and succeeded C:\Users\IceIce\AppData\Roaming\Pd\csound6~\csound6~.dll: The specified module could not be found. (126)
and further down:
csound6~: can't load library
But it's there, csound6~.dll is in that folder. It's strange that it succeeds, but then it says that it can't be found. Also, I was surprised to see that csound wasn't on deken. EIther way, I am on a 64-bit system, and I am not sure if the download is 32-bit. Does it run for you? What steps did you take? Thanks in advance.
@Ice-Ice yeah, I'm afraid I'm getting the same results as you are (Win10). Even the help patch gives the same results.
Hmm, I see the dll is from 2018. I wonder what Pd version the author was running?
@Ice-Ice I believe what is going on is that pd finds and loads the external but the external fails to find the csound files it needs to to run. there is a csound6.dll or the like which is not installed anywhere [csound6~] can find it so it fails to load, it is not where who ever compiled the external had it on their computer. What else is printed in the log window that you cut out?
Edit: Also, how did you install Csound? did you use the installer or the binaries? Guessing that the installer would put things were they need to be for [csound6~] to find them but the binaries would not and will require you to put things in their proper places.
I got it to work!
I thought I might try compiling from source after all, so I installed CMake and Visual Studio. In Visual Studio, I only installed "C++ CMake Tools for Windows" and the latest Windows 10 SDK. Then I just wanted to check something quickly in pd before getting into compiling, but it seems that one of these installations already fixed the problem and I am running csound now from within pd. Can create the object and all works as it should. But I only opened pd again after hours of installing, tinkering with, and uninstalling things, so I can't tell exactly what it was that fixed it for me now.