Books about music
Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
When you start to write letters in the style of Benjamin Britten
Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
And I'm gonna stop there, I think...
Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
@oid , @everybody , Last advice, when you read a book, try to read 2 or 3, or 4 books speaking of the same subject. By another author, one book older, one more recent, one in another language or at least translated, one from another country.
Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
@Il-pleut thats a nice advice
Thanks for the books and their pictures...
Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
Maybe the concepts of design are keys to create a music based on synthetic sounds.
Thinking with lines, shapes, numbers and colors helps navigate the never ending possibilities of a software like Pure data.
Harmony, melody and rythme can be insufficient when anything can be organised with such wide liberty.
Modes can appear everywhere, relations between harmonics and shapes can come out of places that used to be desertic.
Materials and dimensions, utility and necessity, drag creation in other directions.
Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
A couple which I have just come across and am looking forward too.
Berio's Sequenzas Essays on Performance, Composition and Analysis
Dhrupad: Tradition and Performance in Indian MusicSadly the Berio does not include Sequenza 12 for Bassoon, what can you do.
Oh great collection of books.
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This one is accompanied by a "Student's guide" from the same duo. Exist multiple editions.
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Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
I post one more photo of a book by Tom Johnson, who has passed away during the last days of 2024.
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