hello I'm just learning PD , here is a messy patch I made adding together.pd
learning PD early patch
actually this one is better adding together.pd
next step is learning abstractions and [send] and [receive] usage.Here is your path unknotted.
adding-together_FJ.pdWork in progress : FCPD a FreeCAD PureData connexion
awesome! thanks for this. here is an update that is still a mess but I think sounds a bit better, and also bangs the FM on open
also, I have a question, I like the clipping here, is there something I should place at the end of the chain that might make the square waves less harsh on a PA ? Does it matter?
@WEIRD1 PAs will not care much about square waves unless they are the ones making the square waves, so don't overdrive the PA and you will be fine. If you want to soften them up you can do that with a lowpass filter like [lop~].