when I create a window of gem with pix_video in the patch it crashes my pd instance, same thing with build in camera and external usb one, windows 7
what should I do ?
pix_video crashes pd
when I create a window of gem with pix_video in the patch it crashes my pd instance, same thing with build in camera and external usb one, windows 7
what should I do ?
@enaeer I have the same problem.... although I am running windows 7 in bootcamp on a mac with a facetime camera.
It is possible to make it work using a patch from the "extended view" library and I still don't know why.... but that patch can initialise pix_video correctly on my computer.
This solution has worked for others....... https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/12821/pd-64-bit-cannot-start-webcam-pix_video-no-valid-video-backend-found/4
thanks for the answer
now the issue is that I can't download this toolkit.
when I try to download from this link https://puredata.info/downloads/extended-view-toolkit
the file is called "master" with no extention and it cant be downloaded
and if I clik on the link "Get Extended View Toolkit for All platforms" it shows github error
@enaeer I just downloaded it. No idea why it didn't work for you.
It requires Vanilla + GEM so should still work for everyone.
Here is a copy........ extendedview-extended_view_toolkit-evt_v0.5-12-gf9e87d6.zip
thank u
when I create a gem window with "03b_ev_example_360_degree_livecam.pd" its the same thing, pd crashes
@enaeer Well........ mine has stopped working as well.
In 32-bit Pd/Gem (extended) I cannot get [pix_video] to work at all any more.
So maybe like me you don't have any 32-bit drivers for the camera on your system?
But in 64-bit It will work with [pix_video WMD]..... so set to use Windows media driver.
Setting driver DS just reverts to WMD for my camera.
It will not crash but I only get an image after repeatedly selecting device 0 until it succeeds.
So many programs install codecs and filters..... maybe it searches for the next one and again searches until is stumbles across one that works?
There are tools here...... https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/installed_codec.html that let you see all the 32-bit of 64-bit filters and codecs that you have installed........ and to disable them if necessary.
Clicking [enumerate( in cam.zip will print a message to the console with more information about your camera and a clue about the missing codec/filter.........
Do that before you click "create"....
But on my system it gives different messages for 32 and 64-bit Pd.
Oops! Looks like something went wrong!