I'm trying to set up a save/ preset function on a sequencer I've patched using [textfile].
I have the information (ones and zeros) coming via [receive]'s from toggles in the main patch and I am successfully able to write the data to the .txt file on my hard drive. However, I can't seem to figure out how to read it back afterwards. I've followed the helpfile and sent a [read /file.txt( message to [textfile] but I am not getting anything at all on a print out from [textfile]
Can anybody see what I'm doing wrong please?
here's my patch.
Thank you very much
reading data from a .txt with [textfile]
@liamorourke Once you have read your text file into [textfile] you have to send the messages [rewind(.... go to the start... and then a bang fo make it output one line as a list.
Another bang will output the next line...... and so on until it is finished.
Then a [rewind( if you want to start reading again.
David. -
ah right... thats makes sense.
I'll give it a go this evening
thank you -
@liamorourke By the way, I find the [text] object to be much more useful than [textfile] in general. It might be a little more complicated to get the hang of at first, but it gives you many more options with its various functions ([text define], [text set], [text get], and the super useful [text sequence}). I use it for reading/writing presets as well as sequencing, and it pretty much makes both [textfile] and [qlist] obsolete.