I have a problem with trying to use both analog ins and digital outs and ins at the same time.
I have not found a firmata that works for both. I must be missing something obvious? :/
Pduino, what firmata for both in and outs
@cfry https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/12118/pduino-simultaneous-analog-input-and-digital-output-problems
I have just found the Floss manual version in English.
For me it is a bit harder to read but....... http://write.flossmanuals.net/pure-data/starting-pduino/
has a more detailed instructible.
......and both require https://at.or.at/hans/pd/objects.html#pduino
[arduino-test] allows you to set all the pins as desired.
David. -
Hey, thanks a lot. I think I got it working now. I searched out some later pduino build, seems ok!