Returns a boolean 1 or 0 if the value sent to the 1st inlet matches the type specified in the creation arg or 2nd inlet.
You can set the type to be matched against either as a creation argument or with the message [type $1(, or by sending to the 2nd inlet either the type name or an example of the atom whose type you want matched against.
EDIT: the "type" method needed a bug fix. The help file has also been slightly altered:
EDIT2: Now the type can be virtually anything, rather than one of 5 possible types. This allows us to check for specific messages. For example, sending the message [foo 1 2 3( to the object [is foo] will return true.
EDIT3: Defaults to float if no creation argument given. Also added a pointer example to the help file.
EDIT4: A memory-freeing method was necessary to clear the proxy inlet.