here i am again with a question
im looking for an atoi like object (or a way do convert ascii to int in vanilla) that works on both osx and rpi, i installed zexi but for some reason only the atoi help file is included but the object itself is not there. if anyone have any leads id be super greatful!
atoi like object?
@francis666 You can use this: ascii2int.pd
@ingox thanks! does not seem to work for me tho? i get a "trigger: can only convert 's' to 'b' or 'a' when i try to input text to the inlet...
@francis666 My patch is for lists of Ascii values. How does your input look like?
@ingox just plain text as in "hello world". maybe i misunderstood? im looking for something that will convert text to integers
@francis666 What would be "hello world" as integers?
that would be "104 101 108 108 111 32 119 111 114 108 100"
@francis666 Check out [list tosymbol] and [list fromsymbol]:
@ingox amazing! not sure how i missed it
thank you!