Could someone tell me how to test the simple MIDI monosynth patch listed on PD_intro.pdf to get some feedback or result from the following patch ? Because I am a noob and don't know how to set the notein. I do not have a MIDI keyboard by the way...
About a simple MIDI monosynth patch on Pd_intro.pdf
@Leorange If you want to test the whole patch (including [notein] you will need some external software to produce midi messages, and also to "loop" them "back" within your system (OS dependant for the software).
That is because [notein] receives midi messages directly from your OS..... so you cannot "fake" it.But...... if you right-click [stripnote].... then help...... you will see that it receives messages from [notein].
So you can send "fake" messages to [stripnote] to make your patch work.
When you send a "list" to the left inlet of an object the contents of the list are distributed across the inlets of the object.
So in the pic above, if you click the message [34.5 67.8( then "67.8" goes first to the right inlet of [stripnote] and then "34.5" goes immediately to the left inlet, which, because the left inlet is "hot", "bangs" [stripnote] and makes it do its stuff.All objects operate "right to left" which means that [notein] sends from its right outlet first, then middle, then left.
So your message is simulating the output from [notein]
This is a good read........
David. -
@whale-av Cheers~
I skipped this before .