Here is a little video that shows what you can do:
Conway's Game of Life implementation with data structures
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Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
@Hugo-Legrand thanks for the video, very nice. somehow it didnt work like that for me, perhaps because i had to find a library for count and creb is the wrong one? that was the only missing object. or it replaced another object with something from a different library?
Here it is. An abstraction from the Pd-extended.43 era.
Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
@Hugo-Legrand thanks, thats from the creb library. and i need to start the metro first
@Hugo-Legrand Very nicely done, being able to add shapes with a click is much more useful than adding single or random cells.
with the sequencing in mind it could be nice if one can draw and save starting patterns that can have several shapes or/ and a certain number of the same shape (before starting the metro). it could be more "controllable" then. perhaps it could be also interesting to rotate a single shape in 90 degree steps or mirror them? or choose from common preset patterns like still life, oscillators or space ships? just some thoughts.
here are some spaceships:
You can save a whole drawing grid full of differents patterns.
Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
I see. But you need to draw every single Pixel, for a small grid like that its totally fine but for a bigger grid it could be nice to draw shapes instead. Of course it depends on what you want to achieve.
Ok makes perfect sense. think it woudn't be too difficulte to add the possibility to click shapes on the drawing grid. I don't have the time right now. But it's doable.
Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
I have to admit that I am short of time at the moment, too. I will think about it when I have more time again (and also check out and learn from your neural network patch).
Hello, @Jona, I think this update allows you to do what you wanted to do: once you've initalised the screen, you can stop the metro, and put as many shapes as you want before putting it back on. Also, you can select some shapes you load by using the keyboard (letters a,z,e,r) .
I'm also working on an additionnal output that would emit the state of the selected point of the screen. All of this is work in progress, no clean version.Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
@Hugo-Legrand thats very nice. it could be interesting to map sound and change the presets every xth iteration?
mmm. This is an interesting idea. I'm searing something.
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