To begin, I apologize in advance for this Not being a complete abstraction, so please forgive me for that.
As apology, I offer my humility: 10 hours-straight work later, I know some of what i thought of is beyond my knowledge limit and capacity to continue working on.
That all being said,...
My idea (which I thought would be Very simple, yet learned that PD, no matter how sweet She is, does not behave like the linux shell) was simple:
Make a rack of a set of vradios (i chose 8 due to the cpu limit on my laptop, but more could easily be added) which each denote a set of effects;
Send the results to a shell control along with the "slot" in the stack;
Have it copy that effect into an eff(ects)/tmp folder (mapping over the dummy files that were there),
so when the adc~ > eff1 > eff2, etc., chain runs they would be loaded as copies of the desired effects abstractions.
My intention was to empower the usage of multiple instances of the same effects abstractions as well as cut the wiring required in many/my pedal rack/s I have seen to almost nil.
That Was accomplished.
And I DO like the "idea".
On the other hand, I learned, to my chagrin, 2 VERY important lessons:
- pd loads all subpatches on startup
and - there is no (this is were I bow to higher minds than myself) way to "refresh" the patch, shy of closing and reopening it (because while you can do this sort of thing in linux, you can not in pd "underwrite" a subpatch and presume it will know the change has been made).
I Did pursue trying to load via "cat" the effect file-contents into a pd (sub)patch object, but could not figure out how to make that work, even with subtracting the file accouterments, i.e.#X, #N.
In closing I will say that the goal, though only partially achieved, IS one worth pursuing if it is a domain you are more knowledgeable about than myself.
I have attached a zip of my work.
It includes:
a shell script to start extended (it must be started this way, if the shell object is to know where the resource folder is located;
a folder, "res", which includes: /effs (where you put your effects abstractions), /effs_tmp (with 8 dummy files, where your effs get copied to), and /helper (where Mother is located)
a Mother_effsmap.txt file, where you list your effects, by filename (including the ".pd" extension", which it cross-references the vradio index to the line number on the file to know which file to copy.
I have found that it does copy correctly, but then you are left with the stack of controls to contend with. But I have yet to figure that out and think it better to go ahead and share it.
-peace, thanks for listening, and I hope it gives you some new ideas to work with.