• yukonmarten

    I cannot get a gemwin to size consistently with what I put in the message window. default seems to be 500x500, I try 1920x1080 with no success (though for some reason this worked momentarily when I changed the message window to 720x480 - the gemwin went 1920x1080, but just once)

    the gemwin activate error is 0

    any thoughts? thanks!

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  • yukonmarten

    is there a a way to blend two texture objects (ie [pix_texture] )?

    if running two patches simultaneously that output simultaneously in the same window, any way to blend those outputs together?


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  • yukonmarten

    well no problem with a number of techniques to colour my separate video inputs, thanks to suggestions for world_light from arif and seperate texture streams from ClaudiusMaximus. I have also used[emissionrgb] and [color_curve] with success.

    however i have not succeeded in blending the two texture streams, either as a straight overlay, screening, or alpha blending.

    any ideas how to get the two texture streams mixed into one window/shape?

    many thanks!

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  • yukonmarten

    I have two live video streams running through a pix_mixer to a gemwin...i would like to modify the RGB values for each video stream separately. Using [pix_color( does not work, (perhaps because it is intended for static image data?). Also, [colorRGB 0 0 1 1] does not appear to work, because that affects the colour of the [pix_texture] or [rectangle], not the separate data streams feeding into it.

    i imagine i would be looking for something to go between the [pix_video] and the [pix_mix]

    any suggestions on how to change the RGB values of the individual live video data?


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  • yukonmarten

    I'd like to run two web cans using a pix mixer to slide between the two...however I only get live video from one web cam. what to use to make the second camera active in the patch? or is it not possible to view the two web cams simultaneously?


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  • yukonmarten

    thanks for your help.

    For some reason, the solution lay in clicking on the message box with [dimen 1920 1080( before creating the gemwin...I had assumed that clicking on the [create( message box would read the dimen information automatically if it was indicated and linked.

    is it standard practice to click on the dimen before the create message box?

    I am happy I can now work in a larger format!

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  • yukonmarten

    hmm, no luck. Basically, is there a way to put a pix_mix object AFTER two pix_texture objects? or some other way to blend two pix texture objects?

    I have no luck in getting any output when I pix_mix two pix_texture objects. And I need to mix after, because colour treatment in pd of one pix_video before a pix_texture object affects the whole gemwin, when I want it to be limited to that video stream only.

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  • yukonmarten

    hmmm, my apologies, the patch did not attach...I received an error response. I hope my explanation was clear enough.

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  • yukonmarten

    Hey arif, thanks! Alas, this is exactly where I hit the wall. Because any colour tinting object added to the left pix_video streams (whether pix_curve, colorRGB, emissionrgb) affects all subsequent shapes pix_video or pix_film. In other words any parallel pix_video or pix_film will be coloured by the first (left) pix_video color effect, regardless of what object is in their string.

    So if I understand ClaudiusMaximus correctly, it may work if I mix separate pix_textures, ie do the mixing after two textures are created, not mixing two pix_videos into one pix_texture.

    This may maintain the distinct colouring applied to the separate video streams.

    Any thoughts on how to mix/overlay/blend two pix_textures?


    ps if this is not clear, I've attached a pd file set up with colorRGB on separate pix_films. you need to load your own video files into a folder with the patch to use it (same pix dimensions, same names as in patch). Only the left color object will have an effect on the final image.

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  • yukonmarten

    thanks all! I'll try your suggestions and let you know how it goes. I'm a beginner, so I might be back for some clarification.


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  • yukonmarten

    the issue may be the graphics card not wanting to run two webcams simultaneously, ie recognise both, but only process one at a time.

    so my workaround was to have seperate video source inputs..one usb, one firewire with a dv camera...works like a charm, using [dialog(

    I have a new question this leads to, but will post on a fresh thread.

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Internal error.

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