• wardms

    I was wondering if it was possible to add these effects to midi output?

    I know you can add reverb to actual sounds. But can you add them to midi and if so how?

    Also, is a pitch bend an easy thing to add to either?


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  • wardms

    So I'm making a sub patch that basically plays specific instruments that the user chooses, they can also edit the tempo (using metro) and it randomly plays notes that are a 12 note sequence. The user selects the starting note, but I have put a loadbang on "60" for middle C.

    I also added a loadbang on the metro of 500 and on the volume of 127 etc etc.

    But when I try and add the loadbang to the instrument and then to "pgmout" it doesn't work. Am I doing something stupid or wrong?

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  • wardms

    Right, so I've sorted out the random decimal places. But now I've noticed that my metronome doesn't actually go from 2-1000 without going through every value. Is it feasable to do this? It's not really an issue, it would just be nice.


    I've added a simple sequencer that makes a tune, I was wondering if it's possible to put a TOGGLE in that resets the sequnce back to the beginning. For example when I turn the tune off, it just carries on from where it left off.

    Cheers again.

    Updated patch uploaded


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  • wardms

    @sinewave said:


    1. you've had the same MIDI channel number on both guitar and percussion module.
    2. you should place a message between the [loadbang] and slider.
    3. this one is not your mistake, i think: when you open the patch by double clicking on it, pd also opens up a new pd instance. In that new instance, patch hits the loadbang before you tell the program (pd) which midi output to use. Unfortunately, there is no button called "save all settings" in midi settings dialogue which means that every time you start pd, you have to set up midi out. The solution which worked for me was to open the pd program first, set the midi output, and then open the patch through File->Open->Project.pd

    One more thing, in case you want to keep instruments in sync, you should use the same metro object for all three modules.

    See the attachment for changes I've made.
    Hope that helps...

    1. Thanks for pointing that out, it's because I copied and pasted it :)
    2. Yup, thanks to the previous poster, I figured this out.
    3. Oh well, looks like it wasn't my fault after all.

    Unfortunately for this task I found it asks for the user to change be able to change the 3 different channels: speed, instruments and the notes between which they randomly play.

    Is there anyway I can get rid of the decimal places for a slider? I've got one set up there for Tempo, note amounts and the midi notes themselves, it looks a bit messy that they have decimal points with random numbers at the end.

    updated version attached.


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  • wardms

    @Simon2 said:

    I've only got a couple of minutes here. You are close to getting it I'm sure. You are getting a stack overflow off of the sliders - (look in the pd window as you move them) - it's because the output is being fed back into the input via the number atom. Look for pd123's abstractions in the abstraction section of this forum and download [bb_sync2gui] to see a clever way around the problem, or just don't feed the message back into the slider. This won't make your patch work - but it's a start ... gotta go ...keep trying ;-)

    I've seen the error of my ways here, I've now loadbanged straight into the sliders, rather than the values that the sliders create.

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  • wardms

    OK, so if someone can point out what I'm doing wrong.

    I tried bang instead of loadbang from the toggle, but all it does is make it so that instrument is played and it misses out the "select".

    Anyone got any ideas.

    I've uploaded it.


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  • wardms

    How do I upload my patch?

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  • wardms


    OK, that's a picture of the patch. Apologies that it's all over the place, this is my first attempt at using PD.

    So basically I want it to automatically play Acoustic Guitar. I've tried attaching the loadbang to the radio, select object, and the number 25. I've tried doing it to all 3 and individually. Whatever I do, when I load the patch it plays piano automatically.

    Am I going about it the wrong way?

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!