• thomasjbrooks93

    Hi, would anybody have any idea why this patch will only create the sound file but not actually record anything. Theres a signal coming from inlet L and R feeding into the writeSF~ but after i create the file and click record and stop nothing is being copied to the audio file? ThanksScreen Shot 2016-04-07 at 16.26.10.png

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  • thomasjbrooks93

    Thats great, thanks for your help

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  • thomasjbrooks93

    Thanks i appreciate your help. how would i go about getting the rcombf~ onto my pure data to use? I've read the read me section but still can't get my head around it? also where would i find the cyclone and the G02.delay.loop.pd file? thanks again

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  • thomasjbrooks93

    Hi, I am trying to create a schroeder reverb in pure data and i am having trouble creating a successful feedback comb filter. Does anybody have any advice on how to create one or have a download of a fbcomb filer object for pure data??


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