Hey crew,
I've got a patch that synthesises footsteps in Pd, while running behind a basic Python based game.
I've a gate that, when switched, changes the surface texture being modelled. It works fine when I run Pd on it's own, but it doesn't work in the Python link. I had an older version that didn't use a gate and worked fine (functionally, not aesthetically, hence why I'm not using it), and through tedious debugging I've discovered there seems to be a problem switching the gate.
Does anybody know anything about this? It's for my thesis, so anybody who can help would be a saviour...
Hey guys,
I'm trying to write my own Pd object but finding it tricky, and am looking for the C code of objects already in Pd. Does anybody know where they are kept or how I can find them? I'm not used to the development side of things so this is all very new to me. Currently I'm looking for the [textfile] source code so I can see how it handles text files.
Any help anyone can offer will be greatly appreciated.
Ah yes. I hadn't realised all the OTHER extended objects I'd been using... Cheers Maelstrom!
Unfortunately that wasn't a success, but thanks Maelstrom! I don't get why this isn't working!
[spigot] is doing the exact same thing. What I'm trying to do is send a stream of numbers to four different subpatches, but only one can be receiving the stream at any one point. If anybody knows a better way of doing this I'd be mooooost greatful!
Found it. Cheers man. Now to make heads n tails of the whole thing.
I'm mildly terrified...
Cheers for the help Jwif, gonna check that out there now.
I'm trying to write my own amplitude curve generator from existing data files for physical modelling. It's for my thesis project. Only 5 weeks to go *sweats*...
Checked that out and the source code seems to just be for the core functionality of Pd, not the actual objects themselves (unless I'm reading the .c files wrong?).
Weird... I'm on OS X alright but I've no /src/ folder... Should I? Might try downloading the latest version.... Hmmm... Found that guide alright it's epic! I'm quite new to coding though and not sure how to read in text files into my object... Cheers for your help Jwif!!
I'm having a similar problem, I'm trying to organise a lot of samples (over 100) in several directories (for the sake of sanity). The problem is, that this is for a college submission so if I hard code in a directory (/User/Documents/.../.../sample.aif), then if the project gets put on another machine it won't work. Is there a way I can tell soundfiler or a similar object to open files one or two directories from the main patches location? Any help would be much appreciated!!