• tdwright

    Hi all,

    I need to equalise my output so that the notes are all perceived as equally loud.

    On my trip down the rabbit hole, I decided that what I needed to use was mtx_phon_curve (as supplied by iemmatrix).

    Firstly, am I barking up the right tree?

    Secondly, how the heck do I use it?

    Thanks guys!


    posted in extra~ read more
  • tdwright

    Hi all,

    I've just finished a crude prototype of a reverse engineered Sensory Substitution Device. It's based on a bit of software available at http://www.seeingwithsound.com/ and basically converts a webcam image into a sound signal.

    To run it, (you'll need a webcam attached) first launch the GEM window (big green bang) then click the "Run" toggle.

    There are a couple of things I'd like to change:

    1. As I've discussed in other topics, I'd like the samples to be of areas rather than points. If anyone knows a way to lower the resolution of a pix in PD, I'd love to hear from you.

    2. Presently the abstracted patch which converts the pixels to sound is repeated 64 times (one for each sample). This seems like an inelegant way to do things. In other programming languages one would loop through 0 to 63 and instantiate the patch for each value. I've seen talk about internal messages, but didn't really get it - does anyone have an example of this?



    posted in patch~ read more
  • tdwright

    Hi all,

    What I want to do is to lower the resolution of my image (from a webcam) to 176x64.

    Currently I'm sampling the pixels at the locations which would be at the centre of the "larger" pixels, but this is unsatisfactory as it ignores all the other pixels in the area.

    I can imagine several ways of doing this:

    1. Lower the resolution of the image

    2. Shrink the image

    3. Sample all pixels in a region and take an average

    Which ways are possible? Which is easiest?

    Thanks guys!

    PS I attach a picture that should explain what I'm after.


    posted in pixel# read more
  • tdwright

    Hi all,

    I've got an abstraction that I need to include lots of instances (64) of it in a patch.

    Do I have to do this by hand? Or is there a shortcut?


    posted in technical issues read more
  • tdwright

    Hi all,

    I've been having strange issue, and I now think it's because the metro bang/tick is becoming audible.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for removing this artefact?

    I attach my patch, but it's a work-in-progress (no abstractions or subpatches yet), so please excuse the mess.



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  • tdwright

    Really sorry about that, I've corrected it now!

    posted in patch~ read more
  • tdwright

    Hi domien,

    That's how I've been doing it so far, but it's a bit fiddly and takes up a lot of space.

    In most other programming languages it's possible use a "loop" construct. Is there something like this for PD?


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  • tdwright

    Thanks Nestor, pix_data looks like it'll do exactly what I want.

    On a similar note: Do I have to render the picture to a gem_win, or is it enough to have a gem_start and a pix_video?

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  • tdwright

    Hi andm,

    I have the same question - did you ever find a way to do this?


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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!