We are happy to announce ceammc PureData distribution v2021.04 and library of externals v0.9.3.
Main features:
- preset interpolation
- [speech.flite~] realtime text to speech object
- [ui.filter] and [ui.filter~] added
- experimental [ui.faust~] and [lang.faust~]
- [ui.midi] - display for incoming midi messages
- [ui.button] - output on mouse down/up
- midi.* objects: [midi.clock], [midi.kbd] (virtual keyboard), [midi.sustain], [midi.vrand] etc.
- [array.plot] object
- conv.bits2* - helper objects for sequencing to convert lists of 1 and 0 to notes
https://github.com/uliss/pure-data/releases/tag/v2021.04verbose Changelog:
MIDI hotplug support for MacOSX via native CoreMIDI backend is almost ready.
Main advantages:- no need to restart Pd if new MIDI device has been plugged (the problem can't be solved while using PortMidi backed)
- support virtual source and destination devices: "to PureData" and "from PureData" for connection with other software
- supports SysEx messages up to 65536 bytes
- supports simultaneous intermixed SysEx output to several devices (unlike PortMidi backend)
- fixed bug when Midi device name contains curly braces
Here's develop test build with supported MIDI hotplug on MacOSX:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/qt2tqp0df77u232/pd-ceammc-2020.07_coremidi.zip?dl=0 -
The new release of CEAMMC PureData distribution (v2020.07) and library of externals - ceammc v0.9:
main highlights:
- plot.* objects for drawing plots, histograms, freq/amp response
- [ui,plot~] GUI plotter
- [array.,plot] array plotter
- [an.onset]/[an.onset~] Onset analyzer for messages and audio signals based on aubio library
- math module expanded with many objects for audio signals, complex math for audio signals, converters for audio signals ([conv.lin2lin~] etc.)
- chaos.* objects for chaotic numbers generation
- [flt.freqz~] - filter frequency response calculator object
- improved [snd.file] load options (re-sampling support and input ranges added)
- [array.resample]
Full changelog:
https://github.com/uliss/pure-data/blob/ceammc/ceammc/CHANGELOG.mdCEAMMC - Moscow Conservatory’s Centre for Electroacoustic Music