greetings. do anyone know if there is a way to get around the issue of PD in windows not being allowed to receive signal from a USB keyboard or mouse through the HIDIN object? i heared that it is possible to do it through being a "superuser" in linux, but in connection to an upcoming workshop that is supposed to be multi-platform, we should really get this to work in windows too (and mac , although there i have limited knowledge). any ideas?
This lil' thing just got released on the great netlabel Control Valve, it is 6 tracks of whacky looping made with PD. Download @:
"ctrlvlv#007 IS NOW READY FOR DOWNLOADING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‏ ctrlvlv#007 IS NOW READY FOR DOWNLOADING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‏ ctrlvlv#007 IS NOW READY FOR DOWNLOADING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‏
artist: swamps up nostrils title: tarmtott
artist statement: "Swamps Up Nostrils is a spatiotemporal mishap again and again focusing on both experimental wrongdoings and ancient traditional musical structures like beats and harmonies. What you hear is not what you get but it will however seem pretty close anyway, so why bother? Swirling the eternal wormholes between the familiar and the unknown, we hope to entertain but admit that to most people it must seem like meaningless idiocy, but then again most people seem like meaningless idiots too, including ourselves, so I guess it balances out. Only by admitting to being an idiot yourself will you understand what it means to be one, and understand just how many idiots there are around here. We, the failed abhorritions of monkey-like beings of ancient times, will not let us be controlled by our biological shortcomings, although we admit to them causing us both irritation and confusion. This irritation and confusion is not the source of this music. This music was made by utilizing magick and computers, if you believe in such stuff. If you do not, this music was made by utilizing science and computers, if you believe in such stuff. If you do not, this music was made by utilizing faith and computers, if you believe in such stuff. If you do not, this music was made by utilizing computers and computers, if you believe in such stuff. If you do not, this music was made by utilizing music and music, if you believe in such stuff. If you do not, this mucus was made by utilizing mucus and mucus, if you believe in such stuff. If you do not, this made not was believe and unbelief is by whom was finalized as not more. If you do not, please ignore all above statements as they are irrelevant to the audial experience anyway. There appears not more than what vibrates in your ear, and how your brain interprets that on the basis of your own very personal framework of reference. Anyone telling you otherwise is either trying to highjack your brain or may be lying, or may be convinced of otherwise and acts on a compulsion of good faith, although faith can never exist as something good outside someone's subjective defenition of the matter so the statement is meaningless. Now stop reading this nonsense and listen to the music instead, because, as implied in this body of textual represented idiocies, the point is not to read about this music it is to listen to it. Get it?"
swamps up nostrils is arnfinn killingtveit from trodheim, norway. no one can ever be sure what will come out of the speakers when playing a swamps up nostrils release. the first time i heard one it was some sort of drum and bass mixed with circuit bent electronics, with just a tad of field recordings. you might be getting some sort of techno, drone, noise, minimalism, analog, digital, ect...... whatever it might be, it is always top notch sound work, great composition, and a highly enjoyable listen. killingtveit also runs the superb cd-r label Krakilsk
6 tracks of looping-layered sound composition 320kbps. mp3 cover image"
Greetings! I have some weird MIDI issues I was wondering if anyone here have any idea about what migth be the cause of, and perhaps could offer some pointers towards a potential cure to!
I am working on a project that involves the need to get midi messages from arduino to my sound card. This project involves doing stuff in water, so we have allready gotten a wireless MIDI transmitter that works perfrectly. The trouble, however, seem to be in Pure Data for all I can understand. I am using an arduino decimilla, with a regular flex sensor as control. And the problem is:
When PD receives MIDI data from the arduino , it all seems good in the beginning, the response is quick, and all is well. However, after running only a short time, not more than a few minutes max, the MIDI messages seem to get delayed, so when i move the flex sensor, it takes a while before the changes registeres in PD. What is even weirder is that in addition to this, there seem to be like a double flow of delayed messages, where at first the "original" message comes along, and then short after, a duplicate message comes along too. So when say I bend my flex sensor, at first, the midi goes from 127 to 60, and then after a short while, jumps back to 127 and ramps back to 60 again. Sometimes they even seem to compete and garble eachother at the same time, with values jumping all over the place. I find the irregularity of the whole troublesome affair really frustrating. I am still a noob with arduinou so even though I do not believe the problem lies in the arduino, I cannot be sure. The reason I believe it is in PD is beacause all i have to do is shut down PD and start it up again, and it works nice.. a few minutes. And needless to say, in a live setting, you don't want to go up and restart PD all the time, especially since I will be submerged in a pool during the performance..
(have allways used Pduino before the few times I've used it with PD, but that is not an option this time)
I am working in Windows XP with a Edirol UA-25 sound card btw.
The arduino code i'm using to produce MIDI was borrowed from this program;
Anyone had similar problems with MIDI in PD? I know the warning says "MIDI is dangerous in PD" but... I have used CC messages before with no problem at all. This is so weird...
Any clever suggestions would be hugely appreciated.
"4-track" looper/mangler patch I made after I got an idea last week, using a delay line as a looper and a vd~ to read/manipulate. Very simple, but I found it amazingly fun to play around with! Patch is ready to go, just unzip, and open pzycloop.pd.
Any thougths on this would be most welcomed! Things that could be better/more logical, other possiblities that could be added etc.
Swamps Up Nostrils (me), Audun Eriksen, Animal Machine and Torstein Wjiik are going on a small european tour, I will (mostly) use Pure Data for my live sound mischief, so if any of you forumers are nearby any of the dates/places pelase stop by and say hello and tell me how much my gig sucks compared to the rest of the guys playing!
23. nov : Sound Of Mu, Oslo, Norway
25. nov: Danz, Regensburg, Germany
26. nov: Klub Moozak, Vienna, Austria
28. nov: TBA, Barcelona, Spain
29. nov: MEM festival, Bilbao, Spain
1. dec: TBA, belgium
5. dec??: TBA, Tilburg, Holland
7. dec: MIR, Oslo, Norwayhttp://www.swampsupnostrils.com
http://www.ambolthue.com/torsteinwjiik/index2.html -
I am in the process of trying to make a patch that will continously record incoming sound, and then process this sound in various ways(from various playback-modes, speed change, perhaps vocoding shit, etc.). The main idea is to not have to press a button or rely on a timer or whatever to keep writing to an array, but to have the processing occur sort of all the time, or at least when sound is coming in). So far I played around a little with tabsend~ (for writing the audio to an array/table), and tried to use tabplay~ and tabread4~ for playing back parts of the incoming audiostream. I had best results with tabread4~, with the index controlled by a phasor~, after I made an array that was 1 second long that got written to with tabsend~. It worked, somehow, but it had pop's and click's and what not at seemingly random intervals. I guess it's because when you are trying to read what is being written at the same time, you get conflicts and hence these artifacts. I imagine you could perhaps try to use several arrays for writing, and in a way only look up where it is not being written to. Pardon my sloppy articulation on the matter here, I hope you get what I mean. I saw a friend using max, and there he had sort of this index-number coming out of the object he used for recording to a buffer, but PD's "tabwrite" and "tabsend" do not appear to have such things(although I guess if i use tabwrite I could have a metro with a counter or similar to get the idea of how it goes). Anything like it in PD, like a way to recieve the index of just where tabsend~ is writing in the array? Or have I misunderstood a bit, do tabsend~ actually just record one "block" at a time(so if I put a block at 44100 to correspond with my array of 1 seconds length, it only get updated once a second?).
Have anyone here attempted such a project, or know the theory good enough to perhaps come with a wize suggestion on the matter? I have as I said just started this, so I have not experimented that much yet, i started earlier today, but alas had to go to work before I got anywhere. I was hoping i'd find some info on the matter by browsing the forum(as i can do that much from work), but it seems noone have made a post about it yet(as far as i managed to find anyway), so... yeah.
I was just talking to a friend who uses MAX, and he mentioned a function that I am wondering if is in PD. basically, I want to be able to initiate variables inside a patch by writing them after the patch name(like you do with a lot of allready existing PD objects). So, if I had a patch I made called [fornicate], and there were 3 variables inside it, I could just write [fornicate 2 5 3] when creating it and hencely get them set like that. I guess I can just use inlets and $1's and such, but it would indeed be more elegant if i did not need to do this. Anyone know if this can be done, and how?
Hello, my first post on this forum, wich i've found rather helpful recently, but not registered until now!
Anyway, im making this patch where i'm supposed to have a video influence sound in some way, i've got some ideas as how to do this, BUT the specific video file i am supposed to use won't work! I am using a PC with windows xp, and the file in question is an .avi file. The weird thing is that all the movie files in the example patches work, being .mov, mpg and .avi, just my specific .avi file won't work. Have searched the forum allready to try to find if there were some previous posts about this, but didnt have too much luck...
Anyone got any ideas as to what might be the case here? I suspect it might be a codec issue but have no idea, spoke to my teacher(this assignment is for an home exam), and he said it worked on his windows. Any help greatly apperciated. cheers!
I think I have made an observation. This only seems to happen when I load samples from my external harddrive. Is this also the case with the rest of you?
OK! Back to eat my words. Was working for a while, suddenly, GUI locked up again... *sigh* It happened when I copied another object full of GUI (with random variables like $0-stuff). No idea.... I also saw an error about an outdated [pow~] object, so I guess I'll change that and see if it helps.. hmm...
OK! So, I set PD to run in compabilitymode with XP service pack 3, and so far (5 minutes running into the patch) it seems like everything is working again! YAY! Hope it works for you too, and that it continues to work for me.
same problem here. I remember having encoutered this before in patches with a lot of GUI going on, but now I am also seemingly encountering it in patches with less GUI. And i've tried both 42.5 and 41.4 versions of PD. Could it be a windows issue? It's strange that this bug suddenly should hit so with full force, I can't even open certain patches without the GUI freezing at once. Sound and values of the GUI still work, I just can't see them.
Read another post here on the forum with the same issue, but not any solutions there either to fix it. Halp!
Hey. key and keyup will not work because these require to have the PD window on top. say, if someone wants to use PD with other apps (ableton live or whatever), this means that as soon as PD is not on top, it will not receive key and keyup commands.
You don't load sounds per se, you just press the "trigg sample" button while making some sound with anything connected to your soundcard input basically, and it will record for as long as you have choosen in the "sample length". This sound will then keep looping. If I remember correctly I think i used this program when making this album I just posted a link to here just now, if anyone want an example of how it migth sound;
(I recorded the album a while ago, but it just got released).
So... I found the problem, and: It is the laptop i'm using... For some reason it fuckes up midi messages when they are received(at least in pd, not tried in other programs)! I tried this on my old laptop, and everything was smooth sailing. So for this project I ended up using my old laptop to receive midi, and then transfer this info to the newer (but bugged) laptop wich i'm using for audio with netsend objects through a network cable plugged directly between the two. I guess I could have used osc too, but netsend worked fine, so I stuck with it! So, nothing wrong with PD or arduino, they both did their job fine, my shitty computer however, needs a good spanking it seems...
Hi alistair, thanks for your reply. I doubt it is the same issue as I am having though. I am using an Arudion microcontroller with a simple program that creates only MIDI out control messages. There are no settings that can be changed(hence no local control to turn off). And everything works at first, then gradually just gets more unstable. The delayed messages are in the seconds range, its not just tiny delays, the longest one i think was 10 seconds or something, but most times they are 1-5 seconds. I suspect that if I had what you describe it should be a more consistant errer no?