• Polygraphovich

    I'm trying to run a patch with multiple gem objects and my code is acting funky. Objects like [gemhead] and [gemwin] are recognized in the patch but I get couldn't create errors on objects like [recrtangle] and [translateXYZ]. My Gem is installed in the usr/lib/pd/extras folder. Any idea why this is happening and how I can get around it? Screenshot at 2019-09-27 02-21-52.png

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  • Polygraphovich

    Thanks guys,

    I tried using the t3_timer object and I think I might be getting somewhere. My overall aim is to measure the amount of time that a trigger pin is on, connected to an ultrasonic sensor through firmata and an arduino board. I was trying to compute this by sending a t b b from the trigger to the two inlets of a timer object. I don't think I can do the same with the t3_timer object though.
    @whale-av, thanks for the lead. I think I better read up about block size if I need to deal with small time intervals.

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  • Polygraphovich

    What is the smallest amount of time duration that the timer object measure in pd? Specifically, can it measure values in microseconds?

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  • Polygraphovich

    Hey alexandros,

    I've kinda been stuck with the same issue as the OP, and my aim is to not use the serial port abstraction but pduino itself for this task, since as far as I understand pduino uses comport itself to do the relays. Also with pduino, I can keep using firmata for all the other pins on arduino.
    As you mentioned, the aim then is to translate the workings of the pulseIn() object into pd. I am trying to use the timer object to do so, but I'm wondering if I am missing something because as of now I seem to get a random output. Do you have any leads for this?

    posted in I/O hardware diyread more
  • Polygraphovich


    I'm trying to use an HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor through arduino with Pure Data using Pduino and Standard Firmata. Pduino works perfectly and I am able to get data from many other sensors. This particular sensor is slightly different because it needs me to send a pulse of length 30 micro seconds at a time interval of more than 60 milliseconds to the trigger pin of the sensor, which triggers the ultrasonic waves from the transmitter. The receiver of the sensor measures the ultrasonic waves as they bounce back after reflecting from an external object to measure the distance.
    My problem is that I am trying to figure out how to give a 30 microsecond pulse as an output from Pd, which leads me to ask, how long does a 'Bang' last? Is there another way to set up a pulsing mechanism where I can control the time interval of the pulse? Something like the pulseIn() function in Arduino IDE?

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  • Polygraphovich


    I am running pd-l2ork -2.4.2 20171101 rev.58bc306 on Ubuntu 16.04. My problem is that some of the menu items are not visible in this version of pd. For example, the list of available audio drivers is not visible under the media tab. As a result I have to configure the audio driver (jack) through the terminal every time I start pd. Similarly, there is no 'Find Externals' option under the Help tab. Is this how its supposed to be or is there any way to make these options visible? Also, how do I install external libraries into purr-data without the gui?

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  • Polygraphovich


    I am trying to install pd on Ubuntu 16.04 are running into a bit of trouble. I'm trying to compile pd 0.48 from the source. I downloaded the tar.gz file, extracted it in the Documents folder and tried to build it using autotools. While the config and make install runs smoothly, I am confused about the location in which pd is installed. A pd folder appears in my usr/local/lib folder, but when I start pd from the command prompt it notifies me that it cannot access the pd files. I am quite new to linux. Is there a comprehensive installation guideline I can access?

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  • Polygraphovich


    I am trying to create a record function on Pd, but I am running into a difficulty. I am using an f object to store the value of a number, which is then routed to a [open $1.wav, start] message. Every press of the record button increases the value stored in f by 1 and send the value to the message, I get a new file on my hard disk named 1.wav, 2.wav, etc.

    The problem is that every time I reload Pd, the count starts back from 0. I am sure there is a way to store a number in the patch's memory in a way that it can be recalled every time it loads. Could anyone point me to the right direction?


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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!