I have an issue that is bugging me.
I have been using the pure data/firmata with arduino connected to the computer by a set of xbee trancievers. this was nice at one point owing to its simplicity of setup but now its data handing is slowing me down. I purchased a set of Roving networks RN-XV wifi trancievers and they are MUCH faster although no where near as stable.
currently, in windows, i have made the arduinos send their data over wifi to a router that is just for the system. from there i have beenable to use "serial/ip" serial port redirector (demo) to get the data from the router to the comport. This is very un-elegant. it works but is skippy and glitchy because i imagine that low latency live performance was not their primary concern.
are there any objects or techniques, in pure data, to get the ip and port number and dump straight into pd, possibly either directly into the comport object or bypass it and dump straight into the rest of the arduino object guts? today i will be experimenting with the net objects in PD, more, but so far none i have played with can be substituted for serial port (real or virtual) and comport-combo.
i have been researching socat on the linux side but by ubuntu-fu, sucks.
I am having a hard time trying to figure something out.
I have a looping system i cobbled together that got its timing information from a vline~ whose value was sent to 8 loopers. this has been cool and stable but i want to time stretch the audio so i decided to swap it out for a phasor~.
It kinda sorta works. i clear the table, then i use a timer to set the loop length in ms and use that to calculate the sample size (ms/100*samplerate) and use this number to ride the phasor and read the index in tabread4~. i play something into it and it loops and i have control over the speed of the phasor~ using a slider, but its distorted and grainy and eventually fades away.
I think i've left something out but i cant figure out what. any help would be highly appreciated!
this is really starting to take time away from developing.
I know that my problems are all based on my ignorance of how linux works but i really need to install 0.42.5 on this laptop.
i had the 64bit version of the OS but had issues with either poke~ or some sort of 64bit table bug that played havoc with my looping system, so i switched to the 32bit version of ubuntu studio 12.04 but i have found no way to get 0.42.5 onto the system. 0.43.1 is easy but it uses way more resources and is generally more buggy than the former, in my experience. 0.42.5 is just more stable and smoother in all respects, but with all of the deprecated dependencies, it is impossible (for me) to install. i have collected and downloaded and installed, in order every single dependicies but towards the end of the process, they start to break things, which keeps the process from going beyond a certain point.
please! i really need to sort this out asap because it is destroying my productivity. i really dont want to reinstall windows xp, but that is looking like to only way that i am going to get a working system that i dont have to fiddle with constantly. what steps do i need to take to put 0.42.5 pd-extended onto ubuntu 12.04?
thank you in advance.
i guess this is a different question from my previous post.
i have just discovered that some objects in the 64bit version of pd-extended, do not work as they should. i need these objects as i have not found anything to replace them (poke~ is the object in question). i have (as seems to be my complete experience with linux) spent days trying to track down why my patch, which worked fine in windows but now doesnt work in ubuntu studio 64bit 12.04. katjav helped me to discover that the 64 bit implementation was the culprit as i ran the patch on a 32 bit ubuntu install on another computer, and it ran as expected.
i have been attempting to simply install the 32bit version but there are way too many broken dependencies, so my next quest is to attempt a 32bit chroot (which i only even know exists because of google). but i am wondering if i should simply install the 32 bit version of ubuntu studio 12.04, which, besides this issue, i am pretty happy with.
is there an easier option? are there any pro's or cons i should take into consideration before attmpting this operation?
thanks in advance. i look forward to making music with linux and pd one day...
i have been beating my head against a wall for 2 days.
I made the switch to ubuntu studio 12.04 recently, from windows 7. i have been running my patches on win 7 with no significant issues other than typical windows cpu bloat. i have had a running looper abstraction running for months. now, for some reason, trying to run the same abstraction in 0.43.1 pd-extended for ubuntu 64bit, the aspects of the patch responsible for looping, are all out of whack.
once i hit the record then the overdub, the resultant loop is immediately half the length and pitch of what i played, although the loop length is exactly what it should be, so each go around the recording pitch and length blip into nothing but a slight "chip" sound at the loop start.
i have taken some of the main bits of code and made this patch. it works fine in windows but not in linux. are there any other aspects of swtiching to linux that i should be aware of, that will affect my patching?
(actually, the example patch is more screwed than the patch i need help with and for similarly mysterious reasons so i will include it anyway)
thank you in advance
greets all. i have a new ( in a series of new) issues.
I have finally goten my looper to do what i want. on my interface i have a joystick that, when flicked in direction "one" will resize the looper tables to 30seconds, and clear any audio within them (i am using some of Katja's looper code for the loops). then when clicking in the other direction once, a spigot opens for the choosen looper (of , to allow recording while a timer is initiated. click that again does a number of things.
1. it send another bang to the timer, whose output is then converted into ranges and sent to a vline for use in controlling the playback of the loopers.
2. it closes the spigot that was opened with the first click so that all subsequent loop record clicks simply record within the given length range without interferring with the loop length.
3. closes the spigot that controls the audio going into each looper.the problem is that it wont record any audio for the first loop. it records the loop length prefectly but i must click again to instantiate recording of audio at the new loop length.
i "think" that there must be some order in which these things are instantiated. i assume that the "resize" must be done just slightly ahead of the end of the audio recording, but i could be wrong.
is there an issue with recording to a table while it is being resized? if so, is there a way to resize the table that is being recorded into, quickly enough that there isnt a glitch? any insight whatsoever is most highly appreciated.
greets all. i have a (possibly) simple question...
how do i determine the largest number that has occured in a stream of numbers? i want to measure numbers in a fluctuating stream of numbers, but i want the highest number that has occured within a given time frame, to be shown or saved. i would be very surprised if there isnt a super simple way to do this that illudes me.
thanks in advance!
greetings. I have a question.
i want to know if it is plausible to use a mic on an analog (or digital) pin on the arduino (using this http://www.sparkfun.com/products/9964 and this http://www.sparkfun.com/products/9816) and convert the resultant analog signal back into audio within pure data?
My idea is to bring the stream into PD then "sample" it by creating a signal rate midi-like on/off for each sample. so instead of
630 (etc)i would make the stream be seen as
0i feel that, theoretically, this would produce samples that i could discern as audio information. or...am i overthinking this and it is really much simpler?
thank you in advance.
i figured i'd post something where i'm not begging for answers for a change.
i read a post on this forum from someone who had discovered that minimizing the patch (in windows) saved somethng like 40% cpu but i was skeptical having just switched over to linux, but i needed to crank up the windows version and my vst rig for a number of shows this weekend. this system usually hovered around 90% cpu but for this show i also have a GEM viz that i figured i'd either not use or brace for the core meltdown. but i decided to test this theory and it works! i am able to run NI Kore and the GEM viz and the cpu hovers around 60%!!
just thought I'd share this tidbit. its has saved my ass and made my day.
greets all.
I am having a fundamental brain fart moment. I am creating a looper that i want to record the first loop into a delayline ( and if directly into a table is better, please let me know, and why, and i will gladly go that route) where i will use the [realtime]object to get the length of the relevant recording, then use that to resize a table and loop it with tabplay~, but the whole thing has turned to gibberish.
at the root, i just dont understand these objects or their functions properly yet. any insight into what i am doing wrong, would be greatly appreciated. my hope is to create a counting function to go along with this patch (which i plan to have 4 syncronized copies of) that will only access the [realtime] function on the 1st go around going into the delwrite~. there will eventually be 10 tables and 10 tabplay~'s all set automatically to that length. as the counter abstraction counts up, the count will access the table/tabwrite~/tabplay~ combo for that number, up to 10. an "undo" function will mute down this list of tabplays and redo will unmute, but once it returns to 1, it goes back to the delwrite~ and creates a new loop that determines the length of all the others.
before any of that can happen, i really need to get a grasp on creating dynamically resizable tables and accessing them instantly.
sorry for such a noob question but this is my first foray into the audio objects. I've been swimming down at the midi end of the pool.
thanks in advance,