i guess this is a different question from my previous post.
i have just discovered that some objects in the 64bit version of pd-extended, do not work as they should. i need these objects as i have not found anything to replace them (poke~ is the object in question). i have (as seems to be my complete experience with linux) spent days trying to track down why my patch, which worked fine in windows but now doesnt work in ubuntu studio 64bit 12.04. katjav helped me to discover that the 64 bit implementation was the culprit as i ran the patch on a 32 bit ubuntu install on another computer, and it ran as expected.
i have been attempting to simply install the 32bit version but there are way too many broken dependencies, so my next quest is to attempt a 32bit chroot (which i only even know exists because of google). but i am wondering if i should simply install the 32 bit version of ubuntu studio 12.04, which, besides this issue, i am pretty happy with.
is there an easier option? are there any pro's or cons i should take into consideration before attmpting this operation?
thanks in advance. i look forward to making music with linux and pd one day...