• murray

    like mDNSBonjour, but standalone and native!
    plus easier operation.


    known to work on linux, not sure about others.

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  • murray

    referenced topic: http://puredata.hurleur.com/sujet-4117-oscbonjour

    Had this working for a while, however I've yet to release it--I wanted to properly document and comment the code. But I've put this off for months and figure I might as well let people take a look. Remember, this external is uncommented! It is written in java, with java libraries, for the pdj pure-data plugin.

    mDNSbonjour pure-data plugin
    add easy connectivity to your peached patch using apple's bonjour api!

    1. http://www.le-son666.com/software/pdj/
    Download pdj along with needed dependencies, compile (if necessary), and gain some understanding of how things work and where things go.

    2. http://sourceforge.net/projects/jmdns/
    Copy "jmdns.jar" to pdj directory's dist/classes.

    3. Copy "mDNSbonjour.java" (included in attached zip archive) to
    pdj directory's dist/classes.

    4. Add pdj external to your pure-data's path. (pdj directory's dist folder)

    5. Try out included test patch!

    NOTE. Test patch also utilizes the following pure-data externals: bbogart/popup, mrpeach/osc, mrpeach/net, zexy/build.

    LINUX USERS. In order for the external to listen on avahi network, you must define your system's ip in /etc/hosts that is not localhost's "".

    Written by Murray Foster 2010



    posted in extra~ read more
  • murray

    referenced topic: http://puredata.hurleur.com/sujet-4117-oscbonjour

    Had this working for a while, however I've yet to release it--I wanted to properly document and comment the code. But I've put this off for months and figure I might as well let people take a look. Remember, this external is uncommented! It is written in java, with java libraries, for the pdj pure-data plugin.

    mDNSbonjour pure-data plugin
    add easy connectivity to your peached patch using apple's bonjour api!

    1. http://www.le-son666.com/software/pdj/
    Download pdj along with needed dependencies, compile (if necessary), and gain some understanding of how things work and where things go.

    2. http://sourceforge.net/projects/jmdns/
    Copy "jmdns.jar" to pdj directory's dist/classes.

    3. Copy "mDNSbonjour.java" (included in attached zip archive) to
    pdj directory's dist/classes.

    4. Add pdj external to your pure-data's path. (pdj directory's dist folder)

    5. Try out included test patch!

    NOTE. Test patch also utilizes the following pure-data externals: bbogart/popup, mrpeach/osc, mrpeach/net, zexy/build.

    LINUX USERS. In order for the external to listen on avahi network, you must define your system's ip in /etc/hosts that is not localhost's "".

    Written by Murray Foster 2010



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  • murray

    is there an equivalent of the oscbonjour max/msp external for pure-data? i found a port of the same for pure-data, but the libraries it utilizes are outdated and when i attempted to update the source i didn't get very far. i was able to get the object to compile, but when i tried to create the oscbonjour object the pd console spit out:

    /home/mfoster/Desktop/bonjourosc/oscbonjour.pd_linux: /home/mfoster/Desktop/bonjourosc/oscbonjour.pd_linux: undefined symbol: _ZN8ZeroConf10NetService18resolveWithTimeoutEdb

    so i'm assuming there's some type mismatches going on in the source that i messed with.

    original outdated source: http://svn.puredata.info/svnroot/pure-data/trunk/externals/postlude/oscbonjour/

    worth it to just port it myself y'all think?

    posted in extra~ read more
  • murray

    Hey there!

    I'm in the process of building a sampler for use with my monome. I've been able to load and trigger samples however, I'm having trouble with the playback of multiple samples at once (for example, presently my patch only does as follows: hold down two buttons with an array, with sample loaded, mapped to each and it will only play either one or the other). I'm using the combination of vline~ and phasor~ and tabread4~.

    I'm under the assumption that I either need to "add" the audio ouptut of a read array to a buffer that is continuously playing realtime or find a different algorithm for my patch to be mapping samples to buttons. Currently, I'm using a select~ for the Y-axis [0-7] and a select~ for each row to trigger each individual button on the X-axis (but this feels a little brute-force).

    Any suggestions on how best to achieve this?

    posted in technical issues read more
  • murray


    "another simple workaround is to install libjack-dev for compiling and
    than re-install jackd2 if you need it.

    the reason why Pd depends on libjack-dev is that this is the debian
    policy: all applications should be built against libjack-dev (that is:
    jack1) but the default installation is jack2 (jack2 is backwards
    compatible with jack1 but not the other way round)
    this allows for most compatibility, but mightimpose some problems to the
    ordinary debian user compiling packages themselves (debian's buildfarm
    doesn't care about jackd2 not being installed)"

    I don't know why it's bothering me so much that you just shrugged off my initial advice, but beating a dead horse will help me forget about this thread.

    http://www.google.com/ > pure-data jackd2

    posted in technical issues read more
  • murray

    Well I searched the Ubuntu repo's and there is a libjack-dev package, not just a libjack-jackd2-dev package which I'm assuming is for jack2. You're not providing any information beyond that configure error, so my advice is install libjack-dev.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • murray

    I'm a Gentoo user, but check your repos for a development version of the jack libraries (like, libjack-dev or something). If they exist, installing them could solve your problem.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • murray

    And there's always Gentoo! The minimal install disc image is something around 180mb which is perfect to throw on a usb drive and boot my netbook from. Installation is completely customizable.

    posted in extra~ read more
  • murray

    So the object, now named "mDNSbonjour", is pretty much ready to go. I just have to document it. Adjusted a few things so that it's not OSC-centric at all. Basically you connect to a host bonjour server via ip/localhost, set service type such as _osc._udp and then send it a | browse (. It'll spit out a list of service names of it's right inlet and then you send it one of those service names preceded by a "resolve". Lastly it spits out an integer port number out of its left inlet. I'll get this ready to go asap!

    posted in extra~ read more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!