Hey there!
I'm in the process of building a sampler for use with my monome. I've been able to load and trigger samples however, I'm having trouble with the playback of multiple samples at once (for example, presently my patch only does as follows: hold down two buttons with an array, with sample loaded, mapped to each and it will only play either one or the other). I'm using the combination of vline~ and phasor~ and tabread4~.
I'm under the assumption that I either need to "add" the audio ouptut of a read array to a buffer that is continuously playing realtime or find a different algorithm for my patch to be mapping samples to buttons. Currently, I'm using a select~ for the Y-axis [0-7] and a select~ for each row to trigger each individual button on the X-axis (but this feels a little brute-force).
Any suggestions on how best to achieve this?