... you desperatly try to undo a movement of a program window, because you acidently moved it (just happened to me).
Hard choice, where do gem abstractions belong to
I choose pixel# because it is gem.
Just open the INDEX.pd and play around.
I hope it's legal to post a pure Gem patch here.
I love PD/Gem!Just press Start in the grey canvas. The single items are hiddeable with their toggles.
For some more arty stuff press Stop activate Mode 2 and press Start again. -
I wanted to ask if you guys know some good tutorial on audio analysis with pd. I'm new to the audio side of it. I actually only want to extract low, middle and highs on a spectrum from an incoming audio source and changing in volume/peaks.
But some good to read on that subject is allways nice. I wanna know
adips: i'm on a project where a stream of seconds-short video clips get adjusted in speed and hue, value, saturation to the music.
Just for some performance testing i would like to rebuild something i did in Quart Composer:
A glowing rotating cube. I allready did the cube, and it's rotating
... sorry. But for the glowing effect. In Quartz Composer i did it like that. I renderer the cube to image, then i took that image again and overlayed it to the composition. Then a gaussian blur and a blending option (photoshop glow method). Anybody who is able to tell me if it could work like that in PD (with related methods) or if there is a better option?
best regards
adi -
What is that exactly? I don't know pix_fiducialtrack, dictionary (in relationship to pd) and all.trees
Can you post your resulting patch so far? I would love to have a look at it.
I did a moviefader, and i know that video working is not quite nice.If you can, try to have a look at GridFlow:
http://gridflow.ca/If you are giving up, then try vvvv:
It's much better for video purposes, it's its origin. -
It doesn't work! ARGH! Is there an errormessage? Or what happens?
there are two ways: [pix_write], writes every frame into a picture. Those i took with quicktime, saved it and made an avi with ffmpegx.
another way is [pix_record] which makes a mov directly. i have to try that out once.