• mlsptn

    Hi all,

    I have Andy Farnell's book Designing Sound, it's fantastic and it taught me a lot.

    I still feel like I would have trouble modeling an arbitrary sound, and I'm not super well versed in physics -- is this a problem? I was wondering if there were any other online or book resources for learning about physical modeling in the context of Pd, or any other dataflow language.


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  • mlsptn

    Hi all,

    I'm in the process of finishing up a sound toy for Android. I use a pd patch with libpd, which only supports vanilla objects. I like the way freeverb~ sounds, so I would like to replicate it sonically.

    I'm looking to patch a good reverb, since the app is ambient by nature. Can anyone give me a general process to follow? I would use someone's abstraction, but I am selling the app, and it wouldn't feel right.


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  • mlsptn

    I'm in High School so I lack calculus knowledge, and not that much math above Trig. In that respect, it's hard for me to read very technical books about sound design...like this for instance.


    I've gone through most of the guides and tutorials on the Wiki, and am about 3/4 done with Andy Farnell's sound design book which has helped me immensely. So I'm familiar with the elementary stuff.

    It's just at this point I'm not sure where I can go for a more in depth understanding of Pd. Is there more reading I should do? Should I just study people's patches, because in all honesty, with some of the abstractions I download from this forum I really only understand the half of the logic in the dataflow.


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  • mlsptn


    I've been dissecting this drum patch attached, taken from this larger patch:


    It seemed pretty straightforward to me, until I came across the part where noise~ is running through an osc~. What I don't understand is the osc~ receiving two signals from its left inlet at the same time. I can't see how it would deal with that, does it add the signals, or multiply them, or ignore one?

    Maybe since osc~ outputs a value between 1 and -1, it only exists to reduce the volume of the noise~ multiplied by a large number. Then again, the speaker can't deal with a value higher than 1 or lower than -1, so I don't get how it makes a difference. If anyone could explain this to me it would be appreciated.



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  • mlsptn

    Hi All,

    I recently purchased a midi interface for my keyboard, so I decided to test it out in PD with a really simple patch consisting of:

    notein > mtof > osc~ > dac~

    Maybe I'm just completely misunderstanding how midi works, but shouldn't this patch sustain each note until another is pressed? It works, it produces sound, but I only hear each note press for about 10 ms and sometimes I have to press the key a few times to produce sound. I know the patch must be the problem because the keyboard works fine in Logic.


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  • mlsptn

    Hi, I'm building a really simple sampler to flex my pd muscle. I want to have a variable that controls the speed in milliseconds at which the sample repeats using the metro object, and I also want it to control the speed that the sample array is read by tabread. Right now I'm using a line object to control tabread, which takes a message. Right now the message is " 0, 44100 2000 " Since the message only has one inlet, I'm not sure how I can make the last number in the message variable, unless I somehow refer to a global variable that also controls the metro in the message. How could I do this?

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  • mlsptn


    I'm trying to figure out how to refer to sound files in pure data. If I have a wav file called synth.wav in my desktop directory and I want to output it to an array to in a read object, would the syntax be 'read ~/desktop/synth.wav array1'? For some reason pd won't let me create that object so I must be doing something wrong.


    EDIT: Does the sound file have to be in the same directory as the .pd file?

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  • mlsptn

    Hi, this is my first post to this forum so I'm not sure if it's correct to attach an image of the patch in question...I'm not really sure how you could upload it otherwise. Anyway, I'm following pd-tutorial.com and have encountered a bug when trying to make a counter that creates rests at random intervals set off by the metro. I highlighted the part that gives me trouble in the image I attached. Instead of resetting to 0, the number keeps increasing indefinitely. On the left you can see the sample I'm following, and as far as I can see they're identical. Do you guys know what I'm doing wrong?



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  • mlsptn


    Appreciate the clarification -- so if I understand you correctly I can use Modal Synthesis by staggering the change in noise generators running through a bp~, in volume and in center frequency? Do you have a patch I can look at?


    I'd love to see it, that is completely related to what I'm doing, thanks.

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  • mlsptn

    Thanks for the help everyone!

    @acreil I will look into Jos, to be honest his work seems a little above my head atm, but I'm sure I can extract something from one of the papers.

    @elden I will look into Modal Synthesis. On a simpler level I've been using white noise as kind of a block which I can subtract from to produce something natural sounding.

    @mod Thanks, I should look into this. I could see how a spectrum analysis would be really useful for reproducing odd harmonics.

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  • mlsptn

    Thanks so much Mod and Ovaltine,

    What you're doing with the guitar arpeggios sounds interesting, I'm going to play with [vcf~] a little today.

    I will keep experimenting and will post my patches in a few months when I feel more confident.

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  • mlsptn

    Oh okay, the $1 did the trick. For some reason I get an error when I try to upload the patch, but the solution was really simple. I just wasn't sure how to send the bang and the variable to the message at the same time, but I just sent a bang through number via the metro. Thanks so much.

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  • mlsptn

    Oh, I made an object instead of a message. Thanks, I'm going to put the sound files in the same directory for convenience.

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  • mlsptn

    Yeah, clicking the -1 reset the count. Oddly it just worked when I deleted some connections and redrew them. I don't know why it wasn't working in the first place. Thanks.

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Internal error.

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